As we look ahead to our 5th year as a HealthUnlocked community, we are interested in hearing from our subscribers about their experiences on the platform - especially during COVID-19. Thank you to Sonita for sharing her thoughts with us - and we hope that others are finding a safe, helpful place to chat with peers and share experiences. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us here as well!
Share Your Thoughts with ADAA - Anxiety and Depre...
Share Your Thoughts with ADAA

I think you already know my opinion, so I'm not going there. I will say however that I am grateful for mental health sites, and they are free which I appreciate. I will be interested to know what others think.
I have met some great people on here from all over the world!!!! I am very grateful for this website.
Yes I agree with you. Those who been banned should stay banned when they return with yet another new alias.
The block button is down to HU and they have been asked many times for a block button but they said their software can't support it. I would love this too.
I agree with you, Hypercat. Those who play the victim and say they've been bullied when in fact they are the bully would be a good place to start😉
This should be a safe place to get help and not feel like you will get attacked for no reason.
It's a good forum for the most part, though.
Yes it is. It's a shame a few are allowed to spoil it for the others.
One of the things I really hate on here is the foul language, but no one else seems bothered by it so I don't say anything now.
What the bleep, bleeping, bleep are you talking about?😂 I see no bleeping language on this bleeping site. (Too much? Yeah, I'll back down).
(Just messing with you)
I agree, I do not appreciate foul language, I know people get angry, I do on occasion, but I keep my swearing in my house and to myself. I also agree with we do not want social life posted here, we all manage our own social lives. So I ask management to intervene in these two issues. There are Lot of hurting people out there and they need genuine help. I delete nonsense. Sending love n hugs......
Hi Sprinkle. I'm inclined to agree with you on both issues.
Foul language: I've been guilty of this at times and will refrain, so thank you for bringing that to my attention.🙂
The intent of this community: while it is nice of people to post light-hearted things at times, I most definitely agree that doing so is not what this community is intended for. Many here have serious issues that need immediate addressing. These people go by the wayside and that is a huge disservice to them. I think we need to look at this from a newcomer's point of view. If I was a newcomer to this community and looking for support, would I want to be met with post after post of social life, FB-kind of stuff, or would I rather want to find posts illustrating people helping their peers?
Any thoughts?

Hi, I have So many emails I have not addressed, Yes I understand people come here in distress and anger, and feel a need to vent, but I also think as I do when I am angry, I choose my works of anger, at home I can swear any way I want to, but on line I choose my words that I know others will understand I am angry. I find it offensive if others use the "f" word and other words, lets all learn to take a deep breath, then issue our anger or upset, we know what you are getting at, we understand, but please couch your words pleasantly. I send understanding, anger is a human fault, but we can control it.......Sending Love, understanding and hugs........
Oh hi, Sprinkle! How have you been?! I agree!

Hello Minnie, I am OK, how are You doing? I had a busy 2020 I got tied up with the election and spent many hours with that. I am also having some minor health problems, thankfully not in my head. Am going in for a small operation on Thursday, hopefully it will clear up the problem.I am so hoping we can get ahead of the Covid-19 and other viruses this year, It is a big concern for me, so bad here in US, talking with my brother Mark in UK it is very bad there, most of Britain is under lock down!!!! Thankfully with the help and support of my Therapist I am functioning very well, try to answer mails of people who are hurting badly, mental health is an awful illness to deal with it, been thru it most of my life, so I really enjoy the good times, like now - -
....... smiling face......
So kind of you to ask after me, I really appreciate it, I hope you are having a decent New Year, staying well and safe. Yes lets try to keep the forum clean, and we need to report to the office offensive people, so they can be stopped. Sending Love n Hugs......Sprinkle 1.....
I am doing as well as can be, thanks for asking!! Having some physical pain, but no cause has been found yet. I am on painkillers from the hospital I was at yesterday. I hope it subsides soon but, if not, I need to go back for further tests.Good luck with your operation! I'm sure you'll do very well.
I'm glad that you're enjoying the good times! After all, that's what it's all about!
I remember going through a short phase as a teenager when creating a sentence without at least one swear word wasn't a conceivable concept. We do have a lot of young people on here, so maybe it's a generational thing? That's only a guess of course.
Take care and much love to you as well,

Hi there friend, I hope the hospital gets to the bottom of your pain problem, I hate being in pain. I do not use the word pain as it seems to stab the area I am hurting in, I say discomfort which I find helps to deal with it. Yes I had my surgery, it went well, came home the same day, stopped for drugs on way home and Chinese take out. My friend took such good care of me bless her, she took two days off work to help me - that to me is one hell of a friend. I have 3 prescriptions, so I got into the main one for relief. Slept fairly well, and spent most of the next day on the bed, guzzling lots of water as instructed!!! I have managed to take care of my cats (2), and had little use for my walker, but I am tired, been sleeping quite a bit Fri. night slept 13 hours?!!! Today I watched a movie in a.m. I consider Sunday my day off, so I do not work, and now I cannot, not to lift anything over 5 lbs. I put some pork ribs in toaster oven to cook slowly, I will steam some Broccoli and other veg to go with it, and watch more TV after calling family in England, the bad news is one of my twin brothers - Craig who is only 60 - is in the hospital on oxygen with Covid!!! So needlessly I am praying a lot. So as you can see my life is so busy, I am looking forward to the inauguration which I plan on watching, I do so hope Biden can get us ahead of Covid 19 & 2.....Perhaps you have a pinched nerve, have you considered seeing a chiropractor? I would not be without one, it is cheaper and there are no drugs to take, I am adverse to taking drugs and only take them when I have to.
So dear friend, I wish you well, stay safe, hope you get feeling better Real soon. If you can have a Happy New Year. Sending Love n Hugs.....Sprinkle 1...
I am so very sorry to hear about your brother and hope he recovers.I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you're taking care of yourself!
Thank you for the suggestion, but I'm afraid that a chiropractor would clamp down on the pain and make it worse. To tell you the truth, I'm confused by this pain. All tests have come back normal. I was talking to a friend the other day about it. She asked me if I have any fear or stress. I actually have quite a bit of both, only a small portion being about the pain itself. She was quite okay with me talking about everything bothering me, which I was very grateful for! It did help to get it out and, while it didn't wipe the pain away, it did lessen it a bit! Therefore, this could just be a response to lots of stress (although it's kind of a weird one...). The nature of the pain has changed from a dull pain to a sharper one. I'm not quite sure what that means, so I will call the doctor tomorrow.
I wish you well!
I am concerned that more and more the site seems more like Facebook than a place to share feelings and issues about anxiety and depression. Thank goodness there are still people getting help with their mental health issues. There is another community called Positive Wellbeing during self isolation where all the FB type interaction can take place. Recipes. Selfies. Dating advice. Etc. I need help with my depression and anxiety not with my social life. I need people who understand the pain and anguish of depression and the over sensitivity of anxiety. This is my concern about the site’s direction.
I agree with that too.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on adaa's post?
(I don't want this to turn into something that is not intended for (have a little feeling it is). I admit to playing a part in that, but I will stop now. Let's keep it moving smoothly please. Remember, we are giving constructive criticism of the site here).
hi well nearly 6 years since I joined the longer you are here the tougher it gets I think.from anything up to 30 times commenting on different posts down to a couple for different reasons.trolls don`t really bother me but manipulative people do and it leaves you hurt.I struggled for over 2 years to actually feel part of something here I try my best still think supplying a valid phone number could limit trolls as its easier just coming on using a different email plus if a user posts really distressed then that number could be phoned to check up on them.on the whole its a great platform and I`m glad I joined and bet its helped many many users in the 5 years.
When I first found you I was in a really bad way, clinical depression and severe anxiety, people reached out to me, gave me help, support and love. After a change in medication and referred to a wonderful therapist, my life has turned around, this year I have been healthy and able to write to people who are suffering, I also love the people that send in beautiful photos of their pets, when they go out in nature, their garden work, paintings, etc., etc. I try to get on my computer every day, I get behind so this is why my answer is late. I delete a lot of emails, but save the good ones to come back too. Sincerely and with thanks, Andria Payne, a Big Fan.......