Depression and Work: How do my friends... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Depression and Work

SunIsShining profile image
35 Replies

How do my friends with depression deal with going to work everyday?

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SunIsShining profile image
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35 Replies
Sunflowerxxxxxx profile image

Hi, personally it us very good for me really really helps, but for those it affects differently it must be very hard x

in reply to Sunflowerxxxxxx

Agreed I need the 8 hours of distraction from my own erosion.

Idle hands are the devils playground Lolol

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to Sunflowerxxxxxx

I need to have the distraction so I agree with @pittiedad9 but I have trouble with the before and after. Getting myself there in the morning and staying optimistic after work

Not always easy but that’s usually one problem you know you can control with results. Depression not always so

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

Focusing on control is a good way to go about it

kittenkisses91 profile image

Mornings are hard for me and getting to work is a struggle but it does get better once I’m there. It gives me something to do and something to distract me.

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to kittenkisses91

100% same but I have problems with after and convincing myself to go another day. Maybe it’s because I don’t like my job but only the lucky have jobs they really enjoy

michellelogan profile image

After my son died I never went back after 26 yrs same job.......couldnt...I would have rather killed myself.......i was fortunate to have a retirement fund I could pull from early

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to michellelogan

I’m sorry to hear about your son! And I’m glad that you had that to fall back on. How are you doing now? How long has it been since you retired?

michellelogan profile image
michellelogan in reply to SunIsShining

5/15/15 the day my son died...i never returned to work....a gofundme someone set up helped me a few months then I fought and received LTD through that employer max is 24 months for mental related disabilities......nobody gets it......because mental health issues are invisible

meechie-18 profile image
meechie-18 in reply to michellelogan

Fortunately, I'm on CA based Temporary disability for a year. You need to have the right type of psychiatrist to write a letter to the SDI explain the severity of the condition and dire need to stop the work load in order to heal. Now with COVID and negative reversal of my financial situation, I'm actively pursuing full time employment, but at least I have a cushion to fall back on until the end of 12/2020.

Also I am on Medi Cal and fortunately have the support of not only my psychiatrist, but a social worker who has taught me cognitive thinking and a job counselor. I am truly lucky that I have been offered all of this at no cost and it provides me the ability to focus on my goals of leveling out my emotions and obtaining full time employment

michellelogan profile image
michellelogan in reply to meechie-18

Yes you are very lucky...more than most......

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to meechie-18

I’m so happy for you! That sounds like exactly what the medical system should be doing and I’m so glad you have that support and can focus on getting better vs pushing through for the sale of a paycheck

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to michellelogan

Half of the time I even convince myself that what’s happening to me isn’t real. I have been diagnosed and everything but mental illness really is the “invisible” battle. I’m glad you are in a good place now, where you are retired and everything

crowningglory19 profile image

Hi SunIsShining, we all need the accountability of having to, and if we weren't required, we would get more depressed by sitting at home thinking too much on our problems and doing nothing productive, that is what I think about. Some things that might help you lessen the depression are the following; Well, sunshine like your name is very needed daily, 30 mi w/o sunscreen to get the vit D. Also, a good multi to give your physically what you need to deal with it all better, esp and maybe extra magnesium in evenings to sleep well and get rid of toxins. Ginseng is great to get rid of sticky negative thoughts that loop. Helping others helps us, so think on volunteering or joining groups that help others. Distract your mind with humor, laughter is healing. Prayer, meditate on positive word and reach out to friends, that will help both you and them. <3 Hang in there, every day is a fresh start.

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to crowningglory19

Thank you! I appreciate everything that you said. I know that when I’m not working I get sooooo much worse because I’m basically acting out my depression even if I’m not depressed. Since I’m not going anywhere I don’t get dressed for the day or take care of myself like I should and since I feel comfortable sleeping anywhere in my house it so easy to give into the depression sleepiness. The sun sans sunscreen is a good tip, I always wear sunscreen and I’ve never thought about that. What’s ESP? Also have you found any good brands for the multi? I get so paranoid because of how many of those things are fake. What does Ginseng do? Comedy has been a big tool for me because I watch stand up on Netflix or whatever and it’s positive and lighthearted, it makes me laugh and feel SO much better! For whatever reason volunteering doesn’t do anything for me. I believe that it’s what everyone should do so I’ve always volunteered, I mean I have my own charity for goodness sake! But I don’t get those warm fuzzies that most people say they feel

crowningglory19 profile image
crowningglory19 in reply to SunIsShining

esp means especially. =) I love Nature's Sunshine, it is ordered online, everything I have bought from them has done it's job. They are ethical and good product. Ginseng balances out your emotions so you don't get stuck in that rut of a negative thought that won't go away. Wow, having your own charity can be big and I agree, it doesn't always give the warm fuzzies, esp if you are the one organizing it. <3 I'm still glad you do it tho, I know there are many that you are helping. <3

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to crowningglory19

Thanks! I’ve stopped taking my medication so I could really use some natural supplements .

I get high and/or drunk. Don't recommend this option though, I'm sure there are healthier/safer options out there.

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

I get soooo tempted! I’ve gotten drunk 1x and it was awkward because I was with a guy who kept feeling me up when I was out of things but also my antidepressants mean I need like 2 shots to be wasted. I look at that as a positive thing though.... I just don’t live in a place where I feel safe to get drunk. Probably a good thing considering I would 100% do it

in reply to SunIsShining

Definitely not a good idea to be wasted in a situation where you don't feel safe. I'm sorry a guy tried to take advantage of you like that, that isn't cool.

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

It’s cool, happens more often than not 🤷🏻‍♀️

in reply to SunIsShining

No it's not cool, you don't deserve that. No woman does, a man's responsibility is to care for and protect women, not abuse them. Especially when they end up in a compromising situation like getting too drunk. That's when a real man makes sure she gets home safe, not use her for his own fun.

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

Thanks for saying that! I know all men aren’t bad and everything but, as my friend likes to say, I got struck by the boob fairy at like 9 and there have been no reprieves since. I’m talking employers, random men in pickup trucks on the way home from school, even my own family members. It’s just really nice to hear someone say that it’s not OK so thanks

in reply to SunIsShining

You're welcome, it's just sad someone has to spell out common sense. I'd be terrified to be a father to a little girl. All the sorry excuses that pass for men now a days. I'd be committing murder left and right, if someone tried to use my little girl. That's just really wrong your family lusts after you. I'm here for you whenever you need a friend. 🖤✌

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

More sexual objectification than lust, that would just be too much LOL but the physical and emotional/mental abuse they dole out on the reg makes it hard to consider them “good guys” even though there hasn’t been any rape (thank goodness) (sexual assault and harassment and whatever else but no actual rape so I’m lucky)

in reply to SunIsShining

I'm so sorry that people made you think you're lucky to have just been assaulted and harrassed. Yeah at least you weren't raped in the sense of being forcefully penetrated. But you were still violated, and had your trust and innocence taken from you.

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

It happens to every woman I know though. They say if you don’t know that then you aren’t listening which I think is 100% true because it is literally every woman I talk to

in reply to SunIsShining

Ik and that's wrong. Its one thing for a guy to see a woman he finds attractive and watch her as she passes by. It's completely wrong to harass and touch her when she doesn't want it. Glad you're able to not let it completely destroy you.

meechie-18 profile image
meechie-18 in reply to SunIsShining

Not to be blunt and it is understandable especially under COVID but it is the worst thing to drink booze with your meds a bad combo and hook up with a stranger especially now.

We must mentally and physically protect ourselves. I'm not saying this is easy at all. I live by myself and food is my go to along with the freshman 20 I have to go with it.

Also I live my myself and have not had a boyfriend in years. B4, I wasn't at all ready for a relationship, because there were so many things about myself that I needed to work on.

But with the hellacious feeling of COVID, I've become lonely 4 male companionship

meaning for now just a good hug. Fortunately, I have developed visualization techniques

and that has helped me to a certain extent

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to meechie-18

What visualization techniques? If I may ask.

in reply to meechie-18

I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Here's a friendly virtual hug to help you through. 🤗✌&🖤

SunIsShining profile image
SunIsShining in reply to

Apparently it’s a “depressant” but the mind numbness is such a feel good for me

in reply to SunIsShining

Yeah I know that numbness all too well. I lived in it for 10yrs straight.

meechie-18 profile image

Besides having ADHD, I also am bipolar with emphasis on the depression. At my last job as a caregiver for two years for a client who had advanced dementia, there were days when I felt bluesy and depressed driving to her house. However, I have the ability at times that when I started my assignments, I was focusing on my client's needs and watching her like a hawk,

that I forgot about my depression. Also thru routines that I created for my client including the use of musical therapy, I was able to enjoy a variety of music that we listened to together. It's not easy even with all of my meds to deal with the depression when I was

working and now that I'm looking for new employment, I try not to let my depression get in the way of sending out applications to various employers. I have a long history of depression on my mother's side of the family to such an extent, that my grandfather

made an unsuccessful attempt to jump from a subway landing in NY in front of a train to take his life. Fortunately he survived and never attempted to do something as drastic as that again. Unfortunately, I had a very close friend who took her own life from severe

depression. This has scared the shit out of me and so fortunately I do not dangerous

ideations. Rather I struggle with my inner demons at times, because of my desire to live a better life

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