It's cold, I've got my chin tucked into a comfy pillow as I write this; I have no thoughts just a myriad of incomprehensible feelings I can't set straight. Tell me something, would you, your hobbies, coping routines, interests... Just anything to feel this void and quell this turmoil of errant emotions.
Titles do suck, i've filled the box i... - Anxiety and Depre...
Titles do suck, i've filled the box if only so I could get to post.

I love your post title🙂. Very original
I know the feeling all too well. I keep checking my notifications for anything or anyone to distract me or connect with so I don’t feel so alone In this. I love music, listening to and making. I haven’t been able to do it in a long time because of anxiety and depression. I’ve lost interest in everything and I can’t focus or be in the moment. I’ve tried everything but meditation and connection with other people seem to be all that helps. I’ve tried several medications to no avail. I’ve been napping and watching movies for most of the day. I’ve been somewhat relaxed and I’m thankful for that. Hope you find peace
I know how you feel. I get so fed up with doing things just to avoid my anxiety or being bored. How did meds make you feel? My antidepressant never worked well until I started taking levothyroxine with it. Then it was like a miracle. I felt a 1000 times better

I do not have a diagnosis talkless of a prescription but I am scared of taking meds. I am 16, my personality is not cemented yet, there's a lot to learn, a lot to discover; l fear that medication might limit or alter me in some way.
I understand. I was totally against taking meds to help me. I'm glad you have that kind of insight as a 16 year old.

Thanks Slushy47, in your posts you have hinted at regaining your clarity, sounds wonderful. I hope I could reach that point someday too.
I'm glad to have met you. Yes I've figured out a way to regain clarity. Dont assume your anxiety/depression starts in your head. That is the most important thing I've learned. The father of medicine Hippocrates stated that all disease starts in the gut. I'm slowly learning that is also true with mental diseases. It could be as simple as something you are eating everyday that is causing your body/mind a large amount of stress.

Thanks for the tip, I agree with you that depression is a culmination of factors besides mental strain due to situational issues, biological factors also play great effect on the progression of the ailment. On that note, I will ensure to practice wholistc, well balanced health care. It's festive season in my town, requires a whole lot of pleasantries and social interaction. Today has been overwhelming to say the least, how did yours go?
This is not the best time for social interaction lol, I hope everyone is staying safe. I was asleep most of the day 🙂
Oh my! You make music, that's pretty cool, coming from a music lover such as me. I wonder; do you sing, rap , dj or?
I produce and rap, I used to play guitar and sing as well. I miss it but I think I might be a different person now. What are you into?
Writing was my passion for the longest time but this recent bout of depression stole that from me. I dance but not as often or as well as I would like to. This depressive frame of my mind messes with everthing, you are right, I do feel like someone else too.
Writing was my first love, it got me through so many dark times it’s really tough not having that outlet. Dance away lol keep it up and get those happy chemicals flowing through you. With the exception of the last week I’ve been walking for miles every day. It helped me drop a lot of weight and gave me something to give attention to.
Hello Myre
You sound a very wise person for your age and so together, well done just keep fighting those demons.
You are so right about medications at your age or any age. It is so very difficult to know the best route to take sometimes.
I wish you well, take care of yourself!
I am glad you view me as a wise person but not at all certain about it. I lead qiute the purposeless, antisocial, lackluster existence for someone my age. I believe it is around this period that one is most passsionate, potential brimming out of every pore. It's not what my closest relations have told me, dumb is a word I recently have gotten well acquainted with. Nonetheless, I am thankful for your support. Love and kisses.
Hello Myre
Just try and stay strong, try and work through these most unpleasant times that you are going through for yourself, believe in yourself if you can, please.
I am so very aware that I am sitting here and you are where you are and l am trying to give you the courage to fight. Easier said than done, l know! So many wonderful people are fighting for you, we all have various issues here at Healthunlocked. Keep reaching out, you are truly worth every effort.
Best wishes Tim