Well, tomorrow is my first time seeing a therapist. To say I’m nervous would be an understatement. I guess I’m not really sure how I should open up or if I will even be able to. A part of me wants to just skip the session because I don’t really want to say why I am going there. Or if I will even be able to put my reasoning into words... any advice?
Therapy session advice : Well, tomorrow... - Anxiety and Depre...
Therapy session advice

Believe it or not, your Therapist will probably ask you first, how you are doing and then ask how he can help. You will find that without even thinking about it, everything you are feeling and going through will come spilling out. I started with my childhood because it's a big part of my depression and anxiety but we quickly dove into how I am feeling at that moment. I have my Therapist call me every 2 weeks and he truly helps me understand how I am seeing things compared to how things really are. That probably makes no sense but it will once you are with your therapist for a while. Let us know how it goes. I do want to say that if you are not comfortable with him/her, don't hesitate to find someone else. I am blessed to have a Christian therapist and didn't even realize it. I had one Therapist tell me I had the eyes of a witch!! Never went back! So don't stay with someone that you don't feel is able to help with your issues. I hope everything goes really well for you!
Thank you for the encouragement and sharing your experience. It does help.
You are so welcome. Let me know how your first session goes! I hope it's really good and you come out smiling and feeling better about everything.
Just for back from the appointment. It went really well. Kinda like you said, she kinda lead the conversation and asked some questions to get the ball rolling. It was a little unsettling at first but it was good overall.
I'm so happy to hear that it was a good experience for you! Is she a keeper? Once you feel comfortable with her and she feels comfortable with you, there won't be anything to stop you guys from being on the way to making you feel better. I am so blessed to have a wonderful Therapist, finally! Because we are both Christians, for us, he is able to listen to what I'm worrying about, depressed about, or feeling suicidal about, and have me see it in a way that Jesus would talk to me. I'm sharing that because no matter how she gets you to open up and helps you to see things in a different way, it will only help you. And I truly am happy that you had a good session. I went to College to become a Therapist and was 3 classes away before being put on disability! When becoming a Therapist, some schools don't teach the learner how to deal with their own worries abd fears, Do you go again soon?? Thank you for sharing your experience!
Thanks! I believe she is a keeper, based on the session I had with her I think she is well suited for what I need. She was able to give me some really solid advice. I'm not sure if she holds the same values as I do but I feel she has enough knowledge of various perspectives where she could potentially help guide me based on values. And yes, I go again on the 10th of August. I'm less nervous about it now and have more questions. Thank you again for your encouragement. I really do appreciate it.