Sorry about the sleep apnea Brian, I bet it makes sleep challenging! The machine alone, in theory to help, is a huge obstacle to overcome in order to sleep wouldn’t you say? I’m in Colorado so I still have 2 more hours before the sun is up but my sleeping partner doesn’t give me much room (we’re both big girls) plus my anxiety and depression have been so very bad over the last month that I’ve got that wake up in the middle of the night for no reason thing going on. I wish I could attach a picture of my sleeping buddy, she’s too cute!! 125 pound 2 year old Newfoundland - she’s an angel 😇
This is GiGi 😊: Sorry about the sleep... - Anxiety and Depre...
This is GiGi 😊

❤️ Wow, she’s amazing. I thought I had a big girl at 78 pounds, you’ve got a lot more snuggleness, she’s truly beautiful.
Love the name, my cats name is GiGi, as oon as I saw the name I had to come in and take a peak. Im up veeery early too, hope you have a great day inspite of us early birds.🌸🌸

Yes, she’s a doll!! She came into the rescue and has slept with me almost every night since. She’s very soothing for me, unless she tries to sleep on top of or across me! 😂 She’s 8 and a Newfie/Great Pyrenees mix which is why she’s so large but she is also very overweight, as am I! We commiserate together 😉 She May have an adoptive family come for her tomorrow so although I’m thrilled for her, I’m bracing myself...GiGi deserves to have the very best so I’m sad but very hopeful!!
OMG, how sweet is she?!

Jenny, she is an absolute doll!! Biggest teddy bear, ever!! ❤️
I can tell!!!!
I have a fur-baby too. He has a funny story attached to my adoption of him. Will do a separate post when I get the chance.
lovely looking dog pictures of our pets always seem to cheer people up.
Wow, she looks adorable, Packer I absolutely love dogs! Yeah, sleep apnea can be a real pain in the rear. I wind up taking naps in the afternoon sometimes because of it lol. She's very lucky to have an attentive mom like you
I truly sympathize about depression and anxiety. It's about finding what works and sticking with it. Having a pet sure does help
Your pal,
Brian, if you care to, read some of my previous posts. GiGi is not mine and may be adopted tomorrow. She’s just been keeping me company while I’m at the rescue since she can feel my loss and sadness. My dogs (soul mate babies) were Sullivan and Lilly, I had to place them for adoption since I’m homeless and without income. Lilly died in her sleep 4 weeks ago, just after she left me. I’m not sure I’ll ever recover from that and losing Sullivan as well. My heart is shattered, GiGi found a way in ❤️
I'm really sorry to hear that They'll always be with you in spirit, though. I'll read some of your posts later today when I actually wake up lol. Feel free to go through mine as well. There's too many to count lol. Cheer up, we're all here for ya. I'm here for ya too if you ever need a shoulder to lean on
Your pal,
You’ve been a light in my day/night. I need a shoulder to lean on more than at any other time in my life. Can I pm you? Maybe let me know when you’ve been able to read my previous posts (only a handful) and we’ll go from there? Would that be ok? I’m truly at my whits very end, I’ve really been struggling badly this past month in particular. Need some advice if possible or just an ear?
PM me anytime you like. 😀 If I don't respond right away, don't worry because I will get back to you. I may just a little busy. I'm in the process of getting ready to go back to college in August and that does need some of my attention. But rest assured, I'm always here for ya 😀
Love her. She's beautiful 🐾🐾🐾🐾