Hi. I've been posting for a couple of days of how I am not able to sleep. I badly want to sleep but its hard. i'm taking sleeping pills just to fall asleep but after 3 hours of sleeping I find my self tired but cant sleep. I need help. I talked to my doctor and she just said you can sleep now because you take your meds. is that so?
Sleep is my major problem right now. - Anxiety and Depre...
Sleep is my major problem right now.

Tinker! Do you have something for sleep? Or just that tranquilizer?
I’ve been there tinkerbell. It’s hard. But that passes. You just need to occupy your mind when you can’t sleep. Read. Watch. Do anything. Just try to move your head away from stress. It’s ok if you can’t sleep. It’s just temporary!
I’m gonna ask my sister about your medications - she’s a doctor and she may help how to take them correctly.
I’m with you!
I'd say your doctor wasn't very helpful with her last comment. Anyhow, there are lots of websites that can give tips on how to get to sleep. I've struggled with insomnia my whole life, so I know how you feel.
The problem is that you start "trying" to fall asleep, and that never works. It may sound strange, but it's true - you can fall asleep, but you can't "try" to fall asleep.
There are many soothing videos on YouTube with relaxing music or nature sounds to help you relax and fall asleep. It's worth a try.
Hi Tinkerbel,
What your doc told you is not necessarily so. Meds only do so much to help people sleep. You say that sleep is your major problem right now but I am going to lovingly challenge that I think it is more accurate to say that anxiety is the problem. Anxiety about sleep, and just generalized anxiety - a very awake anxiety center in the mind and the physical manifestations, which include things like insomnia (and palpitations which you mentioned elsewhere.) These physical manifestations create more anxiety for people because they don't understand them and they fear them. Which creates intensified symptoms and new ones sometimes.
Elsewhere you said that you don't fear the insomnia, rather that the lack of sleep worries you. Fear and worry are pretty much the same thing I would say that worry is prolonged, chronic fear.
I won't repeat what I said before about sleep with all the examples of sleepless people who are doing just fine I'll just summarize and say this: Sleep is overrated. the whole "8 hours" thing is bunk. Tell a brand new mommy or daddy that they must get 8 hours of sleep
Heck I haven't gotten 8 hours of sleep at night since I had my first kid 16 years ago (too busy!)
Here are my suggestions:
First, you've already seen a doc, and been told this is anxiety-based insomnia. Doc visit is always step 1.
Step 2- get in to see a therapist who really knows anxiety. I know you are focused on the sleep and thinking, "but I just need to sleep!" Trust me on this. I was you 30 years ago. You can get great benefit from therapy for your anxiety. Therapy is awesome.
Also, start practicing sleep hygiene: ucdenver.edu/academics/coll....
Next, try to start shifting your understanding of what is going on. This IS anxiety-based. Cast away your notions that this is some sleep problem and that a pill is going to fix it. It's anxiety manifested in a sleep problem. Treating the anxiety through a combo of psycho-neuro education and therapy are key.
I have excellent resources listed on my profile for anxiety. Dr. Claire Weekes is the best-known, highly recommended by so many people, including people on this forum, and I'd start with her.
Lastly, I know some forum members recommend meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, relaxing teas and other supportive measures to help with anxiety-based insomnia. I have known these to help some people. These kinds of things did not help me personally but everyone gets their support for anxiety recovery differently. Exercise supported my recovery and still does.
Tinkerbel, once you lose your fear/worry of sleeplessness, you will start to sleep It's paradoxical, but it's true. This is hard, I know. Big hugs to you 🤗
Thank you calm mama! I admire your wisdom and your patience. You are so loving. Thank you for your wonderful advices. I stick to your words in many aspects and find them very helpful. Thank you!
I only have advice because of the wisdom and kindness of others who shared their wise words and offered support at times when I thought the world was ending. Thank YOU Orangeblossom for all the support and love you give so freely 🤗
Mama, can you paste the link again?
hmm that link is giving me trouble too. Here's another and I actually think it's even better!
Thank you calm mama for such a wonderful explanation. I am now hoping that everything will be fine. I will be fine and so will others here. thank you for helping me get through this. thank you so much.
I have one other thought to add. I too had this same issue. I tried so many different meds to help me sleep. Finally my Dr. Said he thought i needed to have a sleep study done. I was reluctant at first because I thought i wouldn't wake up completely. I finally said yes when i started falling asleep while driving. I did the study and they discovered I had sleep apnea. The test showed that i was actually waking up 8 times an hour. That may not be the issue for you, but it is something to consider. Still today without my CPAP i am unable to stay asleep, but with it I'm out all night.
try potentials unlimited they have a download for insomnia, it may help.
Try to relax and think about something beautiful.