What does everyone do to calm themselves during an anxiety attack or when something is clouding your brain and can't function?
How do I calm down?: What does everyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
How do I calm down?

Deep breathing exercises help me tremendously. Also, if I can focus on something beside anxiety (do a chore, or a puzzle) that helps until it subsides.
I have read that there are good calming videos on YouTube, but have yet to look those up.
First, I don’t try to stop it but see it as a wave that I need to ride down. I try to look at something nearby. I have a phrase I have written down to read to myself that reminds me that nothing necessarily changed right then. And remind myself that every anxiety attack I have had... I got through. Hope that offers a little something.
I do find prevention for me is vigorous exercise or meditation. Two completely opposites in intensity but seem to help.
Be kind to yourself.

Thank you very much, I will try those!
Definitely deep breaths to calm down. It also helps to think I of something/someone that makes you happy, or the last thing that made you laugh. I recently invested in color pencils & an adult coloring book and it has worked wonders. Make sure you get some sun when you can dear
Thank you for your advice, means a lot! Yes coloring books! Those will definitely occupy my mind.
Hi Mint,
I've had moments where I was so overwhelmed by anxiety or anger I was unable to control it.
I've since started practicing mindfulness and I do a thing where I simply acknowledge what's going on at the present moment: your going beserk/ I'm losing it /etc. If possible, I try to say (or whisper )this out loud. I don't know why but it makes me feel like I'm no longer drowning in the emotion, but Im separating it from myself.
I like also to listen to a few musicians in particular when something crazy happens. It grounds me I think.
Thank you for the great advice. I've had a few episodes at work recently where I can't seem to get out of my own head about specific things that worry me. This sounds like I will give it a shot. I keep calm at work but inside it feels like a raging fire. Right now we are working half days so as soon as I get home I'm going to get my mood music on.