Be outrageous : Scribble Make... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Be outrageous

20 Replies


Make chocolate milk

Have a second childhood

Sit backwards

Do whT u wNt within resin. This used to be a free country before the social and pc conformity police dept

Do whT I wZnt but I make my own decisions and values

If u have lemons make lemonade

As they rtfully say

Stay away from abusive or toxic anyone

20 Replies

Good advice. Having a second childhood and chocolate milk sound like a great idea . Im 67, I need to convince my achey bones to move more, lol.

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Very slow. Very slow movement allows muscles and joints ie boundary lubrication

And vAsoliation etc for firstvtrn tobtwrnty minutes

Airways open etc

For all of us as I’m 63

I let everyone outpace me in work at first

But I stop working about nine pm

Trying not to be technical but

The first ten to twenty minutes is. Not fun

That’s where walking buddies are brilliant ideas. So busy talking. They ignore the discomfort and

Twenty minutes later

They Ready to see forward

Besides the fast paced people stop in two weeks due to shin splints

Us old timers Just keep on keeping on

Month after year

Just keep mivung however slow

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Not bragging but I condition horses and humans for a living including this old bird

And taught exercise physiology at college level for ten years

Sure there are lots better

But us old timers and my teams

Blow by the hot shots

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Of course Richard simons was a genuis in his methods and however differnt. Should get a civic award

All the technical talk doesn’t help get the shoes on and go for a walk for anyone

Lots of people are smart enough not to buy into the hype and are still moving while the fat and furious

Putter out

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As a horse trainer my horses are not grazing on flat land

They have open pastures fresh air and walk up and down hills all day long

Nine months later they are fit used to the terrain and not sore no injuries and

Yell T u

Hey what took u so long let’s go


Omg I have to exercise

Us old doggies not as stupid as many suppose lol

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If I gave u ten miiin dollars for yur grand kids

And asked yur to slowly

Get into shape

One minute per day

Then one minute added each day

Thk I’d be in shape by x mas?

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Am sure I talking to the choir here tho

Silly old man

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Ten miles with an eighty pound pack Int bad these days

That’s why I work and manage a farm




Common knowledge of course

Ask any nurse

They log more miles than truckers

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Im a retired nurse. We have horses too although mine has been on vacation since I had to get a new knee last fall. Im doing more walking since I got our puppy, which is good for both of us.

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aplogies meNt no disrespect

And too long a frustrated coach people Falling in love with abusive trainers and coaches


Too nice so they hate me

Again meant no disrespect

Have a very high opinion of nurses

I have big moth d just ignore me

Congrats on yur knees

Mine turned my life around in that area

How ironic took the virus to get nurses their due

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Aplogies about horses

I never know

Many look down their noses at us one way of the other

My aplogies

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No apologies needed. Sounds like we are both animal fans. I think I just need to get my courage up and get on my horse. He is a 12 yr old gelding who is as calm and gentle as they can be. He is patient with my slowness.

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Finally after forty years of people rescuing the most impossible horses for some kind of impossible challenges. One person who is suitably and wisely mounted

The last thing I want is a chLkegr

As lR as I’m concerned people u respect can ride any horse they want to as long as either the queen of englNd or the duke rides it first. Or it has. GeRt rTe of two or less. Lol

Wow some one with some sense. Thought I had all died out I’m shocked

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Slowness in traing is a win win win win situation

As I well know

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My horse Brumby was a rental horse, followed the horse in front of him only. He was 7 when I bought him. Got him home, all he would do was follow my husband on his horse. It took me a long time to get him to trust me and now we now can walk/ trot anywhere we want. Our field is in front of the house. Whenever Im out, he usually comes up for a head rub. He acts more like one of our dogs in many ways. He follows me around when he is loose. I love that. He is 12 now, sometimes I feel guilty for not riding him more but he hasnt complained to me about it, 🌝

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Welcome to ship him to me

I know this old pro very humane instructor trainer that will develop him and not ruin him leg him up till ur trDy to roll. No presure of course. I pretty sure he’d donit fir nothing forcax nurse

I’d have to talk to him and the minions


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Sounds like u did a great job and loved his humans and home

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Thanks. Ive had no formal training, just gut instinct. I kind of think fate brought Brumby and I together. He was and is safe and I needed a confidence building training experience. I dont canter, have a fear of flying off at the wrong time.

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The more u say the more wisdom

U reveal. Formal traing is over rated as is show. Someone had the sense to hire a safe horse. Like nursing. Just because she doesn’t put in neck baskets doesn’t mean she is the steady Eddie everyone should have

Safety first as u well know. Fancy dancing

Over rated

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Nurses and loved ones not replaceable as nurses well


See as u know they have their priorities right

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