How can we help each other, if we don't have a specialist with us here in this community?
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The purpose of this forum isn’t to counsel each other or provide therapy but to be supportive, to be a listening ear, to share experiences and advice and to make sure people don’t feel alone. Sometimes, talking to someone in the same position, or who has been in a similar position and has found a way through can be more helpful than a specialist, anyway.
Many people on here do also have professional support that this forum can’t replace, but being part of the forum is an extra help.
I feel it helps by knowing that you're not the only one with these feelings. Even a therapist, doesn't exactly know what it feels like (unless they suffer too.) Like trying to explain to someone who doesn't have kids what it is like to have them.
that's a good point Omar, what is a specialist? they are someone who has studied the THEORY of an area for 5 years or so and accumulated a lot of knowledge about their area of study. well I personally am 51 and i have lived with some of my issues for 30 years plus and others for 10 or so years, no theory real life. the life experience of the members here must add up to an awful lot, people who have lived, overcome, battled and yes some lost to fight another day. that what is so good about these pages SOMEONE here KNOWS what you mean when you say something. hope this helps to answer your question.

I understand what are you trying to explain to me, but most of us are trying to motivate each other (e.g. don't give up, you should struggle, everything would be okay....etc) that is great but not enough
I understand sometimes you need that bit more in depth answer. All I can say omar is ask for it. It may surprise you. But to be honest all anyone forum user or specialist can do is point you in the direction to look in. I struggled with this for a long time because I was looking to the therapist to give me the answers, but once I knew where to look my life started to change. I wish you all the best on your journey. If you are looking for specifics ask the questions. Keep safe and be well.

Yes, that's right, but how do you feel yourself now? Is everything good?
day by day Omar day by day. i know my triggers, i know how to manage them for the most part. i also understand that i am going to have bad days and some not so good days. get through those and come out the other side!

Ya, please keep on going, don't let your case to ruin your life.
absolutely my friend and you do the same. dont let it get you down!

I'm trying
that is all you can do is try, when it gets too much (or before then) reach out. have you got a support network around you?

No, I haven't got yet
it is hard without a support network thats why these sites a brilliant lots of different people understand what you are going through, because they have been there or are there right now. this time is so difficult because no one can get out to either reach new support (or just be in fresh air at some places in the world) just know it can and will get better eventually.
have you anyone with whom you can speak openly about whats going on for you family/friend?

I'm not sure if i do have or not
You can talk to us. Or even a warmline maybe too. I just read a little and wanted you to know I care. I am not a therapist but I've been in therapy 12 years now. I'm doing way way way better than I used to. Vi like talking to people because it helps me and there are a lot of nice people here. I'm pretty new here. Why don't you get a therapist? That's a good idea.
hello again omar,
have you tried to talk to those around you or you dont feel confident they will be receptive?