Something that I began to learn along this journey.. is to learn to love your anxiety. It’s supposed to teach you something.. once you realize it’s purpose in your life, the better you’ll feel !
Love your Anxiety : Something that I... - Anxiety and Depre...
Love your Anxiety

Try for a while to not think to yourself. Think to all people that is sick on this earth, with cancer, with chronic disease at lung, people that cannot breathe, cannot live, people that are very poor. Comparing with all of these your suffer is like a breeze. In the same time try to practice elements of yoga, specially relaxation Technic. Lay down on bad, try to relax first left leg, then right leg, then left hand, then right hand, then your head. Finally feel your body heavily. Concentrate your mind to feel entire body in the same time, legs, hands, head. Concentrate then your mind to imagine that you are in the middle of meadow with a lot of flowers with many smells and wind blows lightly. Somewhere is a spring with crystal water. The sky is deep blue and you feel lost in its infinity. Try to keep this feelings for 30 minutes. Your anxiety will disappears .
💗wonderful post! There’s a great book written by a Buddhist, called what to do when everything falls apart. And it helped me with this concept. Embracing my fears, sitting with them and accepting them for what they are: thoughts and feelings. It’s helped me with working with myself, and I suggest it to everyone.