Just knowing you all are in the world helps me feel less alone. Do you know what I mean?
Who knew support felt so good? - Anxiety and Depre...
Who knew support felt so good?
Yes, being on here has helped me a lot
I’m glad you have found it helpful too.
Being able to share my feelings of isolation and depression with others who understand has made things bearable. I am still in a dark place but venting/talking these feelings out makes a difference.
My life is still the exact same but I feel more hopeful you know?
Yes, I was thinking of writing something just like This earlier but did not follow through.
Great minds think alike 🤗
Yea, me too!
We’re multiplying like Gremlins 😜...do you remember that movie?

Mogwai! What ever you don't don't get them wet!
Yep! I'm surprised I can use a microwave today.
That really did make me laugh out loud 😂😂

I can talk the hind legs off a gremlin...but talk about how I feel?.Its a new one on me!🤩
Even recognizing my feelings was a total mystery to me too! I was so stuck in being fake and positive. Now communicating those feelings🤷🏻♀️...Not hiding my real fears and intense emotions on here is helping me learn

That's totally what I need to do,learn to Express honestly.When I'm acting I can talk unhindered,face to face with truth I stammer like a female Hugh Grant!
I know especially when I feel I’m letting someone down or boldly asking for what I want. My heart beats so fast

I'm pretty direct at asking for things,I'm a bossy britches but real things that count like help....eek!🙄
Yeah I’m really assertive too but I rarely show soft vulnerability and reveal I’m struggling. That why I love the anonymity of this place so much. I can just be me

I'm hoping it will help me when I do get one to one counselling.Try to give me the confidence to open up to a stranger when I'm referred. But now I've found forum,I'll stick with it to just appreciate it's fine to be what we are.
I tried 2 therapists before I found the right one. I used to lie in therapy to show how perfect I was. Makes no sense I know but finally I found EMDR and a truly skilled therapist. Changed my life

That's encouraging to hear.I tried a therapist once,he upped and left to move to London just as I was starting to trust him...didn't help my abandonment issues!
I like to say therapists are like shoes. Sometimes they don’t fit. You’ll find your fit and when you do, you’ll know

Thanks,I'm hoping it works for me as I've struggled.
I rethought my last post and I don’t want to discourage you or want to make my therapy experience similar to yours. If you want to know more you can PM me 😊

No,that's fine lovely.Im thinking of finding one as I need to do this,I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired as the old aa adage goes.The dr has discouraged me a little,that's all.
Phew that’s a relief. I would never want to discourage anyone from therapy. Glad you’re working on it 😊
Just knowing there are this group that I can talk to give me great comfort as that’s all I have. I completely understand. Hope it gives you that same comfort
Yes...it gives me comfort to know I’m not alone and to know how much others her understand
I love looking at the pic of your dog whenever I see your reply😊
Thank you, that’s Maggie. Her and I are super connected. She’s obsessed with me. Or vice versa. My friend says “ she’s not your baby”... well I gave her the finger and said “ SHE IS MY BABY”jokingly, but I kinda meant it. Maggie licks my face if I cry, lays with me even if I am having bad thoughts like she just knows. Follows me all over the house. Watches me when I’m outside with her to make sure I’m staying out. My little angel dog.
So magical. I had my 2 furry angels Scooby and Daphne. Had them 15 years. I always think they were sent to me to help me through my darkest loneliness. They passed a couple of years ago, I believe they hung on to be with me until they knew I could be ok. I miss them everyday. I think that’s why I love seeing the little face of yours. Makes me smile. She is your baby!! 💛
Yes. Ditto, my friend. ❤️
Glad you’re here 😊
I agree. I've been here for years and no on else understands me like you guys. Love you.
Thank you also to you. I felt better about myself.
This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. Like I can let down my guard and just be myself 😊
Yes, you can. I know you are stronger now that you have found a very good support system.
I do smile to myself during the day because I know you all are out there and just a post away 😊
Likewise !
My weeks can be up and down emotionally. This week I’m absolutely more up than down 😊
I know what you mean. I miss the days where I was the complete opposite. Where not a thing could bring me down. Sometimes I feel I just wore myself out for others and left nothing for me. But I stay motivated because if at one time I was like that....then I can be that again. Just fighting the darkness to find the light. And I know it is there.
It can feel so hard to remember that some days but then others, I can feel that joy. I think now when I feel that deep sense of worry or sadness, coming here and reading posts reminds me I’m not alone in my emotions of living with depression and anxiety. That reminder has boosted me💛
Definitely! I feel the same way. This is a safe place for me. HUGS and BLESSINGS to all.
Bless you, glad your feeling like your not on your own. Sending hugs xxx there's always some one to chat to on here x
And I think it gives a lot back knowing that something you might say or just a quick comment can mean the world to someone and can help them no matter how big or small xx
I love it on here x
Always nice comments no negative comments always support, I can't even remember how I found it I think I only joined a week ago not sure lol (memory is shocking on benzos)
But best site I've found so far x
I completely agree!! People have been so encouraging and open. It feels good to be myself with people who understand living and managing depression and anxiety.

Yeah it's hard it people aroi d you don't get it
I think you have to experience it to truly understand how bloody bizarre it
My dad doesn't get it he's never suffered with mh
He doesn't know how lucky he is. I just want the most some thing and that is to wake up her some breakfast have a shower go to work. Chat to a few people chill at breakfast.
The most normal thing to someone who doesn't have anxiety or depression
The thought of getting up overwhelming, shower OMG, can't eat panicking about something stupid
Crazy ass brain
Not stupid at all!💛...it’s moment by moment and choice by choice for me to keep doing even simple things. Some days are better than others
I like your positive attitude. We need more of that.
Thank you I try. It’s been easy on here with such supportive people with such useful posts🤗💛