Mother Teresa was not holy: She was not... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mother Teresa was not holy

26 Replies

She was not great

26 Replies
sweetiepye profile image

Why would you post that ? How does that relate to anxiety and depression? Maybe you could explain how we can help.Pam

in reply to sweetiepye

I didnt know we always had to talk about our problems on here...maybe I was just looking for some friendly conversation to meet people who could help ease some of my anxiety and depression.

Because most people think she is great....she is nothing.

in reply to

Have you sacrificed your life for God to help the sick and poor until death? Wtf?

in reply to

That is what ppl will want you to believe. She was just a recruiter for the catholic church. She didnt care about the individual. I'm protecting individuals from the dangers of religion

in reply to

Nice. 😣

Tikirob profile image

I heard she was a nice lady once you got to know her .

in reply to Tikirob

She was ****** tikirob and you know it

Tikirob profile image

In what way, I’ve only seen a few headlines from her life?

Dig deeper man.I will be discriminated against just for writing this but it's worth it. She is a nobody just like me

Tikirob profile image

Also I see religious thought like a spiritual work out plan. How certain people have physical routines . She was promoting powerlifting and perhaps others were promoting calisthenics. Yet what’s the verdict on those she helped get in shape, were they happy with the results?

in reply to Tikirob

None were happy with there results. They frowned upon it and they tried to build on the mediocrity of MT

Tikirob was much wiser than mother Teresa

Mother teresa was wasted most of the time...I dont have to defend her

Tikirob profile image

I believe in outer and inner truth. The conflicts of the two can only be handled through acceptance and then only given peace through a perspective of love. If you dislike Mother Teresa and it sounds like you have your reasons that’s a truth. But others do not hold the same belief or do not have the investment you do to even care or think about her and that’s the truth And then their are others that agree with you and may even be thankful for your efforts and that’s also a truth.

If you accept that some people hold your opinion of hate while others don’t then you can see the conflict between the two truths, but If you skip the rock in the water it will eventually sink. If you send out a bottle with a message it may remain a bit longer. What’s the message you want. I hate Mother Teresa and I want others to as well, or I will try spend time loving others no matter what they think of mother Teressa.

Now I admit I don’t really know anything. But I believe the latter will give you peace if that is a value you embrace.

in reply to Tikirob

You are right tikirob. There is no point. I just got an argument with someone today about how good mother Teresa was. I just wanted other people to see she was just a normal person like the rest of us....but it really doesnt even matter.

Tikirob profile image
Tikirob in reply to

I hope I am right :) haha - thanks for the response and sorry to hear you got into an argument about it, happens when people are not open to an opposing point of view. I am guilty of arguing too today. I just wrote a whole post on how upset I am with our mental health care system meanwhile I need their help as well. Sometimes I spend the time in treatment arguing with the doctors how much the mental healthcare system needs improving and dint really listen to my own advice. What you said interested me into checking out the net for stories in support of your opinion to learn more about it to understand it better. Hope you have a better day.

in reply to Tikirob

You will have to go really deep into the net to find that kind of info. I'm glad I met you though. I'd much rather hang out with tikirob than mo T. I'm struggling with depression and shit so you should probably take everything I say with a grain of salt. I'm also struggling with thyroid shit. It sucks. I'm desperately trying to get better

Tikirob profile image
Tikirob in reply to

That sucks about the depression thyroid heard they often related. I am totally convinced gut health effects mood. I feel best if I am eating right and taking digestive supplements Thanks for the kindness (Me vs MT).

I have severe OCD, health anxiety, and bad anxiety issues. I get depressed too but my mind is so busy over analyzing my decisions half the time I am mostly frustrated.

Have you ever been to a doctor that practiced Chinese medicine? In my search for an ocd cure I have stumbled on some helpful things in eastern medicine but no cure unfortunately.

in reply to Tikirob

What you just said, "my mind is so busy...", I have that very same feeling! Damn! Without external parameters my mind is running in circles analyzing everything I contemplate doing, asking why bother? Then I just stop and my mind goes into a negative feedback loop where I just say forget it and go back to bed. Sleep is my very good friend. Even if it does last a couple hours at best.

Tikirob profile image
Tikirob in reply to

Well said!

Poodie profile image

I am not sure why I liked reading all that back and forth re Mother Teresa. I’m sorry, if I need to be, I mean no offense to anyone, but it made me smile.

I don’t know much about M T . She could have been a basically nice lady for all I know, but I do think lots of religions have ulterior motives. Also we all know that very bad things can be done in the name of religion.

I think I just appreciated the dialogue. Just the communication and exchange of ideas that in itself seemed to bring about more understanding between the people involved. I mean understanding of themselves and each other, not particularly Mother Teresa who (thankfully ) is not on this site ! Somehow I doubt if she was ever depressed but I won’t go into that. We all have our own way of coping.

Too, I think our mental heath system needs to improve big time. But we are stuck with it for now.

Thanks. Best to everyone.

in reply to Poodie

I'm glad you got some joy out of it🙂. Yes I feel are mental health system is broken and it leaves a lot of broken people out there trying to fend for themselves. When I was young I too accepted the fact that MT was a great person and I trusted what others said. I guess part of the message is to always question things around you and to always be reexamining things from different perspectives.

kenster1 profile image

I think she was one of the most inspirational loving caring woman that has ever lived religious or not.

in reply to kenster1

That is good

Poodie profile image

I think it is important to think for oneself and to question also. I think we just can not know everything and afford to blindly believe everyone. If she did some good, that’s great. If people are inspired by what they read, that is good too.

Whatever MT did or was, or whatever anyone else’s impression of her is does not take away from whatever we can do ourselves to make this world a better place.

We will never get all the respect that has been bestowed on MT, but in our hearts we will know ourselves and that we are trying. It only takes one person to believe in you for you to set off a life of growth.

It was a somewhat famous psychiatrist who some time ago once said, “To help one person is to help the world.”

This has nothing to do with MT directly, just about feelings. When I was younger, I used to wonder why some people got all the praise. I knew some of them were not even remotely good people or really even all that smart. Well I did figure out the answer in some cases. I did not get what I needed from my own family. . I eventually after many thwarted attempts found a therapist who helped me. I kept trying to grow afterwards too. I think the very most important thing for us to learn is to mourn for our loss, to have respect for our feelings, to respect what we have gone thru in life, and to take care and learn to love ourselves. That being said, I still can and do get occasionally very depressed.

I too think our mental health system leaves many people broken. It does need to be fixed. I think lots of people would greatly benefit from care. You do not have to be from the wealthier middle or upper class to gain insight into your problems and get support. I also do not think some people are “too sick” to benefit fro insight therapy. That is so presumptuous and wrong. If everyone in the profession worked with someone on a sliding scale basis, it would help. That is not asking too much of them. Most profs can at least afford to do that.

Thanks for your comments.

I need to talk about an issue I am angry about and ask for help from everyone. I will put it out there.

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