Holidays are supposed to be magical. But sometimes they’re not.
Sometimes, they suck.
If you’re reading this on Thanksgiving, my guess is that you might be having a holiday that’s less than stellar. Your holiday may be leaning more towards, "I wish this day was just OVER already!" than towards, "Woo hoo! This is the best Thanksgiving EVER!"
If that’s what you’re thinking, here’s what you need to know.
You are NOT alone. I promise you that there are a LOT of people who aren’t doing the happy dance today. While that probably doesn’t make you feel any better, sometimes it helps to know that you’re not the only one who is going through a rough time.
This too shall pass. Nothing lasts forever. Not the good. Not the bad. If today is not going well, remember that next year may be different. Again, that may not change the way you feel rat the moment, but it’s important to remember that life will get better. It may not seem that way right now. But it will.
You can still grab a bit of happiness today. I know that seems impossible. And, I’ll be honest. If you’re having a lousy day, the chances of totally turning it around right now are not great. BUT if you’re willing to truly try, I’ll bet you can be happy for one minute today. And, while one minute isn’t a lot, one minute of happiness is better than no minutes of happiness. Are you up for it?
Here's the experiment:
Your goal for today is to create 60 seconds of happiness in your day. That’s not a lot. But it’s a start. And it’s totally achievable.