What strategies work best in stopping thoughts that are nonstop? I'm always thinking about a future event and trying to play out various scenarios. It drives me crazy at times and I cannot sleep well at night.
Ruminating Thoughts: What strategies... - Anxiety and Depre...
Ruminating Thoughts

Hello! I also struggle with this. I think of my mistakes or things I could've done better and I also ruminate about the future. Does anyone have tips? It's 1AM here and I've already taken my sleeping pill but I'm still awake.
Sorry I can't help.
There’s a part of DBT that is called distress tolerance. It can be helpful in situation when thoughts and/or emotions are overwhelming. There’s are a few different skills that may fit different situations.
Here is a good overview of things to try.
I struggle with this as well. I don't have a perfect solution, but things that work for me include physical exercise or stretching. Also meditation or a similar mindset where you just observe those thoughts come and go, without adding energy or speculation to them. Also, journaling, putting your thoughts down on paper and exploring them there. This way they are "saved" and your brain doesn't feel like it has to keep rehashing them.
Hi. I struggle with ruminating thoughts all the time with my existential anxiety (yes, it's a thing!). During the day, I find it helpful to do something unrelated to the thought. Sometimes, if I'm struggling with too many ruminations, I will try to go to a museum or the zoo to get my mind off stuff. As far as feeling stuff at night, that's a tough one. I actually haven't tried this yet, but one thing that I've heard can help is to write down your worries on paper. Be specific. "I am afraid that x might create a y, and that makes me afraid that z will happen as a result." From what I've heard, this can help you to at least articulate what's bugging you better (and maybe help you sleep?).
I have a rubber band around my wrist and when I catch myself allowing my thoughts to give way to emotions I snap the rubber band. It actually works most the time. It not only distracts the brain it also tricks your brain to associate bad thoughts with pain so they become less and less. It doesn’t cost much so it’s worth a try...
keep me posted if it works for you.
Best of luck... You are not alone!
Hi there,
Oh, I know what you mean. I experienced a time of high anxiety when my Mother was dying of cancer, which lasted for two years. Needless to say, I struggled. I couldn’t sleep at night and of course, my mind was working through a million thoughts. For me, I recited Scriptures, listened to Podcasts (I turned the volume down really low so that I would have to strain to hear it), listened to classical or instrumental music, and tried reading a book to distract my mind. Prayer helps, and so did trying to remember what scriptures I had read that day. I pray that you find some of these ideas helpful and that you have a peaceful sleep tonight. Please know that I am sure thinking of you!