I recently cut my hours at work due to stress. I haven’t been doing much but recovering for the last month. Now I am starting to work again half time and I felt stressed last week. Had a family event this weekend and now today I have a tension headache and fatigued for the last 4 days. I am 54 years old. Could I still be overloaded from past burnout?
How long to recover from burnout? - Anxiety and Depre...
How long to recover from burnout?

I never personally had a burnout but I do believe you are still recovering. You need to distance yourself from what causing you stress. If you cannot let’s say because your work doesn’t allow you to. Try to not take your job to seriously. I am not saying to do a bad job but sometimes we stress at work with things that we have no control over and we make it so much worst in our mind. What’s important right now is that you regain strengths and positivity. Be kind to yourself and don’t try to please to much, simply do what you can do to your best abilities then let it go.
When you are at home try to make it a ‘me’ time. Do things unrelated to your work and most of all do things you enjoy or used to enjoy even if it is only a little.
By the way I am also a water sign 😄🙌 high five!
Burn out is difficult. Leaving your job comes with such emotion. But, sounds like you did the right thing for your health. Depression and anxiety go along with burn out.
Does your age and hormones have anything to do with your symptoms now? Just a thought.
Did you go back to the same job?
You do have to take care of yourself. Make extra time for yourself. Try and eliminate other stressors in your life.
Thank you for your reply. Yes, age and burnout are affecting me too, I am 55 and dealing with hot flashes galore! I am hoping to try some bio-identicals soon to help with that. I also have anemia and sometimes I feel like I have chronic fatigue....I did stay with the same company just working less and mostly from home but the pressure still feels there. Today, for example, I thought I had the day off, I agreed to work 2 hours on the phone, after that I felt tired, stressed and overwhelmed.
Are you taking care of yourself? Resting, eating, exercising etc
The hormone factor on top of what you are going through tid a lot to deal with.
Glad you cut back your hours. When you finish work, put it away, get it out of your head and do something good for yourself.
I know it's tough. I was burning out at my job and wish I had made a move quicker. I'm happy you are making adjustments. It's the best thing for your health.
Try yoga nidra meditation ! x
Watersign619 hi, nice to meet you. yes, it is very possible. there are many ways to restore yourself. Here's a start if you haven't done this yet. write down what makes you stressed. beside statement (each person, place or thing), write down where you are at that time, 3rd column beside it- say what you were doing. last column state what was the result. how did you feel/react. this is the baseline of helping a person figure out where to trim off the excess and negativity when possible. This helped me, hope it helps you too. Believe in yourself. This is a process. You are worth every effort. Hugs of encouragement and support.