I am thinking of leaving my full time job because of my recent descent into anxiety and panic attacks. As I read some the responses to others with high levels of anxiety suggest that they start over when feeling better. Have any of you quit your jobs because of anxiety and panic? How did you start over. What sort of jobs did you find? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Anyone have to give up their job beca... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone have to give up their job because of anxiety?

I fell apart when I was taken out of my job. I need my career. However I don’t do sales. That would make me crazy. Just put me away. I don’t know how people can do that. That’s impressive. I would have to change careers and go to a bank or something where I live in a cubicle.
If you left your full time job what would you do with yourself? You could well sit around stressing and obsessing about your anxiety. Generating more fear, causing more anxiety.
Occupation is good therapy for anxiety.
However, if its the pressure of your present job that have given you anxiety overload, that's another matter. If your expected to do the work of two people and work with toxic people, specially toxic superiors, then you should neutralise that anxiety overload by leaving.
You are clearly concerned with what other work you could do. Why not look for the same job but for another company or organisation where the work regime is more to your liking? This way you can use your acquired experience to maintain your income level.
Lots of people (including some famous) continue to work successfully despite high anxiety and panic attacks. The power of anxiety is limited, it will not disable you.
If your present job is causing your distress, do not stay a moment longer. Move on. But you must look for recovery: through therapy, through medications, through inspirational writers on the subject of self-help for your nerves.
I had to stop working due to anxiety. I worked in medical packaging and I'd get so stressed that any machine or coworker seemed as if it were pounding into my head. For separate reasons I still don't work, but I also try to keep in mind the pros&cons of activities that result in worse symptoms. I volunteer often and through trial and error have a pretty good idea of what situations aren't worth the agitation or what actually helps me feel like a more balanced out person.
Don't quit your job! I quit my job and now I feel so bad it was a great job. It's so hard to find work. Now I am working in the only thing I know, medical billing in a small office with no benefits because I thought that small office environment was going to be better but it's not the job or the environment, it is me. Everywhere I go, I feel the same. I am in a worse position in my life just because I can't control my anxiety and depression. Now I have to live with roommates because I can't afford any place by myself, ofcourse I support my self. Please think about it, or just wait for a few days and see if that it's the right thing to do. 🌺
Actually, for me, working was like therapy. I loved my job and it made me feel productive and kept my mind off disaster...
I am now retired and regretted it. Thank goodness that I’m in a relationship now and I help him run his business which keeps part of my day busy. If you like your job, think about it deeply before quitting. Hope you can sort it out.
Hi, yes I did quit a job because of anxiety and panic. This was when I was first diagnosed and had no clue what exactly I was dealing with. I couldn't deal with the constant pressure at work and knowing I had to be there and dealing with this unknown thing. With my last job and my current one the reason is had work for me is the flexibility and being honest. I let my supervisors know what was going on and luckily for me they were and have been considerate. I also don't have to sit in an office all day. I can be out in the field, office and can even work from home. I would look into a job like that. Nowadays most companies prefer employees to work from home. Hope that helps and you find the right place