I get so fed up with myself...Ive read on anxiety/panic a lot ...talked to u lovely people and got some great advice ..listened to relaxation/meditation cds and anything I can think of...but the minute I wake up I start checking in on myself to see if my hearts racing/fast then I start feeling panicky....its the same cycle every day...I'm so down because I feel weak and I let it ruin every morning...when I should be looking forward to a new day and feel lucky I have one.....Anyone else feel this too? xx
Why do I allow myself to be so scared... - Anxiety and Depre...
Why do I allow myself to be so scared of physical symptoms of anxiety?

Thank u... Its so frustrating!!!! Its like we are obsessing about the symptoms but then its bringing them on...but I cant seem to stop...I will keep trying...xx
I feel you. I wake up in a state of dread every morning, sometimes I vomit. It's rough but we just have to keep trying to deal with it.
Good to know someone understands....that I'm not going crazy HaHa ....it feels like it sometimes..I have Ocd and was wondering if that's why I obsess so much....U have helped just by talking...it helps
Appreciated... x
Yeah sometimes I do! I sometimes stress so much that it paralyzes me. Then I stress about stressing! I say man if I don't stop stressing! Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself! I mean I sometimes lie awake in bed because I can't sleep, then I stress because I can't sleep. The new stress makes it even harder to go to sleep! I have to just stop and laugh! If I can laugh at myself hard enough, I can sometimes fall asleep!!!
Hang in there Aspergirl47, things will get better
Thank u countryboy1...You sound just like me...I stress about everything....I can totally relate about the sleep issue...I then worry about the effect not sleeping is going to have on me...(Health Anxiety) like the idea of just having to laugh I guess not taking it to seriously would work better...I need to try that...
I put on relaxation cd at night...it works sometimes but I waken early because I'm worrying about my morning anxiety..which then happens....Appreciate your reply so much...Hope it gets better for u too....
Elliott-sWorld is absolutely right - don't give up! I've had a lot of anxiety in my life and for years all my time and energy went into managing it. Now I'm on medication that has reduced it so much and allowed me to function pretty normally.
When I feel anxiety, I usually tell myself to just keeping going and not let it control me. You can get to that point. If you're not seeking treatment, I encourage you to try it. Speaking strictly for myself, my anxiety did not significantly respond to exercise, meditation, relaxation tapes, therapy, aromatherapy, or reducing stress. It did respond to medication.
Best of luck to you. You can feel better and overcome your anxiety to the point you can do the things you want to. It may disappear completely, or like me, you may have a little left that's not so hard to manage. Regardless, you are in charge of your life and how you choose to handle your anxiety. It may feel like the anxiety is in charge, but it's not.
Good advice Windy101 I wish meds would work for me too.....I'm happy it helps u manage..anxiety is awful...Ive tried 7 Antidepressants so far and either sleep for hours or completely agitated to the point I can hardly sit down...last Dr I spoke to said no more meds...I have been diagnosed with severe social anxiety...ocd..ptsd...and finally was found to have Aspergers Syndrome...My Dr thinks this is the reason I don't respond well to treatment...the social anxiety is the worst..i can hardly leave the house some days...this site and all u people have been amazing...
lifts me up when I feel really low
I will keep fighting
Thank u...x
I'm so sorry, Aspergirl47. I have social anxiety, too. I know it's awful. I used to not even be able to talk to certain people - especially authority figures or someone I really liked. That didn't do a lot for my career or love life, that's for sure.
But don't give up! It can get better.
Some things that helped me were to stop fighting the social anxiety. I told myself that if someone really cared about me or mattered, they would not judge me. I'd remind myself I might be an anxious person, but I was still a good person and that my anxiety didn't have anything to do with my worth. I tried to take the energy I spent controlling it and put it into thinking about what mattered to me in life.
Another thing that helped me a lot was volunteering for a cause I thought was really important. It was at a Rape Crisis Center. I cared so much about it that I just kept going, whether I was anxious or not. After about a year there I was even able to do some public speaking, believe it or not! Most of the women who worked there also had issues they were dealing with.
You will find what works for you. The important thing is to keep trying and to believe in yourself. And don't hesitate to change doctors until you find one who really helps you. You are worth it!
Yes I have been there. Early mornings are usually good for me (not much time to think up scary things yet maybe) unless I have to make a phone call or drive but as time goes on I have more panic attacks typically. I have had much less lately. I can get out of them when they first start. One thing that helps is telling myself I don’t have to have an attack and I don’t want it and am tired of it and that I’m fine. If I venture out somewhere stressful I take a stone with me to handle and a water bottle to drink from as these are to distract me. But sometimes nothing works and I will have palpitations so that I feel I cannot breathe right not talk right and it is noooooo fun. Feels out of control but it does always end. I’m trying to learn how to treat each type of situation. Sometimes I feel no matter how hard I try , it’s just going to be what it is wether I like it or not so trying to go with the flow and just be.
Sounds like you are trying hard please don’t get down on yourself. It’s not your fault. Best to you!
Btw Sometimes I take Ativan and without it I am much more of a mess and trying to get off of it but the suffering has me taking it s lot. anxiety is just rough.
Anxiety is evil. I wake up with my chest pounding from anxiety
You are not alone I have GAD have been struggling with anxiety most of my life. I too have missed out on so many things.