A over used word, that most people misunderstand, in my opinion.
Love !: A over used word, that most... - Anxiety and Depre...
Love !

You are quite right. We cheapen it by our overuse. I love chocolate / I love my husband ?
Not used enough ray ...you should know thats what makes the world 🌍 go around 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂
I agree with you..I know the meaning all too well and for sure tell all people I do..isn't that what we should do....and for sure I love music...love is a very positive feeling....I'm happy you feel the way you do silly..
Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy and groovy hugs!

Hey I know a song about it 😀.....called love ...love..love I won’t post it on here as Gerrerd might not be feeling it today but being an old hippie it’s just a blip ..much love and ☮️
My definitions of love include “giving without a price tag.” Which sort of sums up your quote. I’d rather the word be overused than understated. The more love I can throw out into the Universe, the better off I am for it. IMHO. Thanks for the post. Lynne
The more you give out the more comes back 😊
Many times it arrives in ways and at times I least expect - but is exactly what I need at the time ❤️
I love you too!

Are you loving me or Silly? ☮️
Well I was loving you but I love silly also. When I say it I mean it with all my heart...I don't take it lightly, ha!
Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joya nd groovy hugs!

Love you too, Dump Truck ❤️
I'm not sure that's true. Never loved and lost Silly ?
I love you Gerrerd
I think it also means, "If you forget something or misplace something, I won't ridicule you for it." That's something I dealt with in my childhood, and it still affects my anxiety. At the same time, however, it also taught me to be more patient with people who might forget things or misplace things. Even if I may ask someone to provide payment or replacement if they misplace something of mine, I will NEVER ridicule them, yell at them, or act like they have less inherent worth and dignity just because they made a small mistake. Unconditional love means you don't criticize people for things they do unintentionally.
Very true Gerrerd