Im going to a psych ward tomorrow. This isnt my first time going but hopefully my last. I feel like they really help. Have any of you been? Do you think you benefited from it?
Going inpatient tomorrow: Im going to a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Going inpatient tomorrow

You can learn a lot in there and me personally it helped greatly. How long will you be in there for, is it voluntary

It is voluntary and should only be 2 weeks
Went twice in 2012 due to suicide attempts, being cut off from outside stimuli, electronics, and being with others who have similar issues means you aren’t alone. Ask if they have an outpatient program after the inpatient as well. It’s like a halfway house to ease you back into the world.
Hope it helps you...
It’s good you are feeling positive around it for sure...
With every good wish to you 🌻🌻🌻
I have been for two months. It was an involuntary state hospital. It was awful, scary, dangerous, co Ed with criminals even in for murder. I was forced meds while being held down, sexually assaulted, in fights, etc. No benefit at all. In fact I have ptsd from it, way worse than the reasons I went in. Hope yours is way better.

My goodness, that sounds horrific and illegal. I am so sorry that you were forced into it, I pray that you will find peace away from it. 💜
Thank you.

That sounds horrifying and im sorry they put you thru that. I have been in this ine before and its really chill. Group counseling and all that fun stuff. So sorry you didnt have a good experience
Thank you. I'm getting past it.
wysereveryday, I went in voluntary because of severe overwhelming anxiety.
It was the best 6 weeks I could have asked for. Structure played the most important
part of the day as well as therapy available around the clock. I truly didn't want to go
home, I felt so emotionally safe there. I hope you make the best of the situation and
use that time just for you. Good Luck my friend. xx
Hi Agora, I am curious about something. When it’s a voluntary stay, do they force you to take meds? Can you leave at any time?
Brightfuture, in a voluntary stay, I was not forced to take medications but used that
time for my doctor to find the right med, the right dose. As for leaving any time, you
can. However I believe there was a 48-72 hr wait time. You can't just get up and walk
out of a locked unit.
Not going to lie i am mainly going for the peace, quiet and structure. I want a routine and it will give me that. Im super nervous because its been aqhile but i really know it will help tremendously
I loved the routine but after I got out I felt lost, it took me a while to be able to function without it but then my therapist showed me how to make my own

That's true isn't as structured as the unit. But using what I learned
in those 6 weeks help me adjust as well as continuing talk therapy. xx
hi ive never been an impatient talked myself out of it 2009 doctor wouldn't sanction it 2010.hope it goes well and your ok.look at it a recovery/respite don't look at it in a negative way.all the best hope you come home with a new vibrant outlook.
I’ve been into inpatient a few times, voluntary. I found it helpful. I didn’t have any problems and I got along with most people well.