hey guys its Jillian here. so I have taken lots of meds for my conditions and treatments too. I was wondering if any of you have taken CBD oil for anxiety and/or depression. Please get back to me. thanks for reading
CBD Oil For Depression : hey guys its... - Anxiety and Depre...
CBD Oil For Depression

I know that some people say CBD has been very beneficial to them, however I bought a top shelf CBD oil and it did nothing for me. I suppose just like some meds, it helps some but is not effective for all.
So I've tried CBD gummies, expensive CBD oil, water soluble CBD oil which is the way to go if your gonna try it since the stuff tastes like bong water, cheap CBD oil, and vaping CBD oil.
None of it worked but everyone's different. I can say for the first few days of taking it it really relaxed me but then it just stopped working and because of that I kept trying different brands and strengths but never got that relax again. Really sucks.

Thanks for the reply
Hi, I live in UK, so I bought CbD oil tablets from the site and tried for a month. Unfortunately no difference to my anxiety. I will try one more month and probably give up. Valerian root tablets works better for my sleep.
The information regarding CBD oil is mixed. You will find information where it works and can even help you get off medications you are taking, etc.
Two points I would like make regarding CBD oil, one being if you are on medications for your disorders and medication prescribed for sleep it is imperitive you cross reference your medication with CBD oil as adverse reactions and more unwanted side effects can occur if your medications are metabolized using the same CYP4 liver enzyme. Point two, use of CBD oil that contains THC or not. It ALWAYS better to check with your doctor and/or at least advise them you will be experimenting with CBD oil.
My doctor approved me to experiment with it while taking my sleep medication trazadone and admitted he knew nothing about it, but could try it if I wanted to. He knew nothing of poper dosing, type of CDB oil to use and moreover the safety of mixing it with my sleep drug. After 2 (small doses 3.5 mls) of CBD oil in 24 hours I experienced the worst side effects ever. Just be careful and do tons of research, it can take 5-7 days to clear CBD oil from your body. Best of luck, I do hope it works for you.

I will keep all that in mind thanks for replying!
I’ve tried various non-THC CBD oil products and felt no physical effects. On A few strains of indica cannabis DID help with pain and one type of sativa helped with mood. Unfortunately I now live in a place where it is illegal.
Each person has to go with individual differences in their body.
Saw great testimonials for CBD oil. Easy to take. Like almost every thing I've tried, it made me sick. My sensitive body and mind couldn't tolerate it.
It's worth the cost if it helps. Keep experimenting and revising your cocktail of meds.