I'm suffering I keep thinking the doctor just want me to get worse or be tortured because they won't cure me I can't handle all this especially with depression and axiety 😞I need someone there all times to help me 😞I'm scared sad &weak/sick!nmy head hurts and is heavy my stomach bloated and I throw up foam everyday worse at morning/night//afternoon my whole body is a mess ears/throat and stomach everything feels contagious it like bacteria is taking over my body 😞
Has anybody experience bowel gas for ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Has anybody experience bowel gas for months or 6months ?

Hi how awful for you. I presume the doctor has confirmed you don't have IBS?
I had something similar to you and it was acid reflux and indigestion so I was prescribed Omezaprole. Maybe this would help you? Try buying some over the counter Rennies or Gaviscon and see if this helps. x
hello,sorry to hear of those very distressing symptoms,,perhaps a colonoscopy could be beneficial for a thorough investigation of your bowel tract-its not pleasant but you do get a form of sedation.got mine done 2 year and it was clear!but late last year have had similar gas probs only it was loud excessive wind and some burping despite regular morning bowel movements,havent had much bloating .,nor your other symptoms.i did suffer Ibs many years when under severe stress-though that's ok.Some say its your diet as well as taken in air via mouth...…...does seem to be linked to a form of anxiety as your worrying a good deal about how it affects you,is there pain in the abdomen.A doctor should be able to diagnose and prescribe whatevers required,hope that's helped .,as theres nothing worse and hope things get sorted soon.
Oh bless you - how awful for you. I have Anxiety Disorder, depression and I’ve had IBS for years and years. So I sympathise!
Are you suffering badly with anxiety just now? The gut is like another brain and will react to stress/anxiety etc. It’s also possible that you have an intolerance to some foods - that can make you feel ill all over. I’m intolerant to wheat, onions and garlic. Before I cut that out, I felt absolutely awful all the time, all over my body.
In my experience, getting a doctor to help with gut problems requires you to be more firm and proactive. Keep a food diary - what you eat and how your body reacts to it. I do think you’re suffering with acid reflux too. Write down everything that happens to your guts and body and read this to your doctor. Doctors can only really work with what you tell them, so the more clear and concise you can be, the more they can help you. It might be worth asking them for a coeliac test. Xx
Hi Vanessa, I don’t know if you are on medications but I’m on meds for depression,anxiety and pain. I had the most ridiculous bloating and worse,I couldn’t pass gas. I have taken many laxatives, had many scan and scopes so I decided to put myself on a program and stick with it long enough to see results. My sister also has this problem. So I take stool softeners each am &pm, I take 2 each time because it’s been years. I started Linzess finally after disregarding advice. At night I take Miralax and a natural multi- fiber preparation. If I stick to this religiously, oh and take the stronger version of gas -ex for bloating 2-3x/day, well I have not had this problem for over a year! I have a BM nearly daily, and I had gone 6 weeks without going! It’s my routine and if you have questions regarding why I choose the products or want to share medications that I’ve had experience with, I’m more than happy to talk to you privately! My sister is also better and I am so happy that I am not on heavy duty drugs like Relistor anymore! There’s is help, and I’m very skeptical myself but I fixed it myself with OTC things and no more feeling 7 mo pregnant or wanting to put a pin in my abdomen to let the gas out. It’s so miserable and I would love to try to problem solve and ask your doctor about it before starting! I’m here- Maggie
Try lactose free diary products. You could be Lactose in-tolerant.
Heavens yes. I’ve had excessive gas for years. I have ibs. Have you been checked for that? Nausea is pretty common with anxiety. Try to watch what you eat. I use the FODMAP diet. It’s pretty easy to follow and there’s a good app for it online. It’s the one from Monash University
I hate that you are feeling so bad. My first thought would be to keep a food and meds diary. Maybe there is a combo that creates the issue. Set up an appointment with an allergist to see if you have developed a food intolerance or Celiac's.
No doctor wants you to feel sick. If you think they do, switch doctors. Keep fighting.