Does anyone lose weight and their appetite when depressed? This is the longest I've been depressed (2 mos) and don't have an appetite. Lost 15 lbs. When normal I have a hard time losing.
No appetite: Does anyone lose weight... - Anxiety and Depre...
No appetite

Yes, I have a hard time eating too
For me it is the opposite, the worse I feel the more I bake- cake, pie, cookies, and etc. But then I realize that I am putting on weight and my health is taking a hit. I have learned that when I am feeling down, it is time to exercise. I stay away from intense exercise. I do ti' chi, Yoga, or Pilates the stretching helps me feel better. The intense exercise just makes me feel bad about myself because I can't do it that well. Maybe it can help you. The Yoga and Ti'chi have chair methods as well. I hope this helps you.
hi I was nearly 16 stone but I lost over 4 stone due to depression and I was eating ok as well.
I'm usually an over-eater when depressed, but this time is different. A lot of my symptoms are different from my past episodes, actually. But yes I almost never have an appetite and have to force at least one meal and one snack down a day. I know I've lost weight as well because my whole family has told me so. Only thing I could think to do is just make sure what I do eat is healthy. I cut out caffeine and sugar, eat foods that contain the vitamins and minerals I need and drink nothing but water. That part isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
Yes when I fall into my depression I have no appetite I may eat once a day sometimes I go over 24 hours with out a meal and the only thing that makes me eat is my migraine that is triggered from hunger and at that I will only nibble. Mind you I looove to eat but that all goes out the window when depressed. I went from 110-115 to 100 maybe even less my jeans which are size 0 or 1 even began to feel loose had to even wear a belt so they wouldn’t fall.
Hi. No
Hi. Not to make light of your situation but when I'm depressed I eat. When I'm ok I eat. If a pill says may cause weight loss/gain I always get gain! Unless you are underweight I would roll with it until you're feeling more ok then stuff your face so you have it to lose if you take a backwards step in the future 😬 as I said I know it's not funny but I'm having an ok day and feel like having a smile ❤ sent with love x
Meow I’m like you. Can’t eat or get food down when depressed. I make shakes with ice cream, peanut butter, fruit, instant breakfast mix - whatever has calories. Last resort is medication. I’m currently taking Mirtazapine which helps peak the appetite. It’s not for everyone but has been successful for me. Hope you’ve got a therapist and MD who are working with you.
Anxiety causes me to have no appetite I just can’t eat when I’m going through it. But depression makes me gain I’ve been on a roller coaster of weight gain and loss over the past few years. Now I go to the gym which helps with depression and anxiety and I drink shakes for breakfast and lunch to get my vitamins and then eat supper. This seems to be what works for me to stay stable.
I can relate. I've been in a cycle of depression/anxiety for about 8 months now and have lost about 25 lbs. With the last five I've been able to (1) slow the process and (2) kick it back up slightly. I make sure to eat something 3 times a day. Try to make it healthy, but also with calories and fat. Started buying Ensure a few weeks ago. Part of the issue has been some dental issues that we're working on but not yet resolved - so the act of eating itself is kind of hard. But also, loss of appetite, for sure. Do what you can. You're worth it.
I eat...oh boy do I eat 😂
It really depends on the person. Some people lose weight and others gain. For me it's both.
I have lost my appetite as well. I have to force the bare minimum down as I have diabetes and must keep my blood sugar from plummeting. I drink a lot of Ensure.
I get a lot of anxiety attacks and honestly some days are a constant wave after wave of attacks and tbh I lose my appetite completely - barely eating for maybe 5/6 days at a time. It’s normal to have lost your appetite as a result of your woes - you just gotta keep on working on yourself and eventually you’ll get to a place where you feel good enough to eat.
Peace be with you, Boom x
Yes, I'm anxious and depressed and have no appetite. It's weird because I used to love food.
Same situation!!
Yes, I'm going through that right now.