It's 4:38am I been up all night long. Everytime I fall asleep my hearts racing. I stayed up all night yesterday. This is so draining on my body. I want to sleep but can't. I watch tv, drink ice cold water. It makes me so nervous. I don't like night time because that's when the anxiety really gets the best of me.
Anxiety : It's 4:38am I been up all... - Anxiety and Depre...

Do you get to take naps during the day, so you can get some sleep?
If you have not already done this, you might want to see your doctor. Meds and talk therapy could be good for you.
No I don't take naps. I have seen a doctor. I was given ativan but I lost my medicine. I haven't had any in 9 days. The first time the doctor gave me medicine I had side effects so I'm terrified to take medicine. I have arrhythmia. My heart skips beats, race, and pause. I have to medicine that won't cause issues.
Why don't you try GABA or melatonin
I understand where you’re coming from. I remember when I got separated from my ex-husband, I couldn’t sleep, I would have panic attacks and I lost 20 lbs. in a week. The thought of him not being with me, hurt me immensely, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. I became friends with a co-worker that loves God. I started going to church on Wednesday’s and Sundays. At work, I would want to cry and sometimes, I couldn’t do my job well, I would call my friend and she would pray with me, sometimes she would meet me somewhere at work(we worked at a hospital). She would pray for me. But at night, it was so hard not to feel bad, I couldn’t call her then. I didn’t take any medicine, I wanted to do it in my own. I remember buying book —-from church-about letting him go. I read it and it really helped. I then found another friend that was going through the same thing—-we helped each other through this difficult time. I could call my friend at any time 24/7–my friend call me too 24/7. We were there for each other!! I think that is very important that you have someone to talk you about your feelings—-sometimes on a daily basis. See if there’s someone that you know that would be willing to listen to you. You need to get your thoughts and feelings come out. I felt better after a few will too, it just takes time.
Hopefully, you will feel better. Let me know how you’re feeling ok?
Thank you for sharing your story.
Alot of times I stay to myself. I try not to bother anyone because it alot to deal with my anxiety. I just got back into my therapy session. I talk to my mom and some family members sometimes. I got back into church. I love church. I have peace of mind there. My primary physician game paxil but a couple of weeks go but I didn't take because of fear of the side effects and my arrhythmia.
I can relate to the racing heart, its anxiety, and its awful! wishing you and everyone wellness..