So I just took cymbalta 30mg and I’m trying not to freak out
Cymbalta 30mg: So I just took cymbalta... - Anxiety and Depre...
Cymbalta 30mg

What's freaking you out?
The side effects of them or that it’s going to make me feel worse but I don’t really feel anything just a headache but I had that before and feeling jittery I finally got diagnosed with GAD yesterday and it’s severe so the dr prescribed this for me along with therapy and exercise to get my life back
I know I have severe medication anxiety... makes it very hard to try new medications.
I always try to start on the lowest possible dose... then you can get comfortable with taking it.
And stay away from Dr google...ive learned that the hard way..
I know with this one I didn’t google the side effects just my dr and the pharmacist told me them so I’m trying to stay positive my anxiety is so bad with medication I’d rather suffer in pain then take medication
Why are you freaking out?
I’m thinking it won’t work and that I’m going to get side effects and maybe die or feel terribly worse then I already do
So it’s been 45 minutes how are you feeling now? Are you having any side effects?
I actually feel ok and ur right I’m not diying I just feel like jittery and a little more better in mood usually I freak out a lot worse then I am now I think I’m taking it pretty good right now and I’m kind of proud of myself for not wanting to go to the hospital
If I recall I think I took it for about six months and it just didn’t work for me I then went on to Lyrica that didn’t work and I went onto gabapentin and that didn’t work UGG
I’m sorry I hope u find one that works for u I tried Zoloft and lexapro and those didn’t work for me I’m hoping this work for me cuz I desperately need help
Don't freak out....see how it makes you feel...even then, it could take awhile for it to adjust things. Side effects, especially off the bat, will be prominent until they fade as your body gets used to it. I can assure you, if you do not have any allergic reactions to the drug, you will not die from using it. Sometimes the side effects, make it feel that way, but give it a couple of days. If it's still making you feel awkward, call your doctor. One thing to note: all SSRI/SNRI medications are usually "black-labeled" meaning there is a risk of suicidal thoughts. They are rare and if you find yourself in this situation, please call the hotline or get yourself to emergency services. It really is rare, so please don't fixate on this as incredibly possible odd.
If you're new to these medicines, side effects beginning them are very common and range widely...some people feel "brain zaps", dizziness, thirst, anger, irritable, and so on. The science behind the medication is to fix a chemical imbalance and stabilize your mood. As you can imagine, these changes don't happen overnight, so you'll need to try for about a month to see if it helps. At that point, you may be switched between others or have your dose increased. Where you're at is probably the hardest part if I'm honest. Side effects, what you're dealing with already, and the confusion as to what "you'll feel". Try not to worry and just monitor your feelings. If you find the medication makes you sleepy, you may opt to take it before bed...if it makes you jittery...then the morning. Your doctor or pharmacist can better handle that recommendation.
Did your doctor try any short-term benzo medication plan? If your anxiety is bad, they may prescribe medications that help you feel less anxious (though the class is addictive) by taking something like Valium. It should be just enough to get you through a few weeks and at that point, the hope is your Cymbalta is working. If not, I can't recommend the following more: mindfulness/meditation and deep breathing techniques. On their own, they are very powerful tools to practice.
While taking any medicine is scary, a lot of people have tried Cymbalta and all is okay. You won't die, I promise The side effects will gradually fall off (some might hang tiredness or appetite increase/decrease). Just hang in there in the beginning, it truly is the toughest part. Every day you take is hopefully a day closer to feeling less anxious and, overall, much better.

Thank you I actually been doing pretty good and not freaking out now I’m feeling a little sleepy
Now I know every medication comes with side effects but I’m at the point that my anxiety is so bad I know I need medication to help me through every day life my doctor didn’t say i didn’t any other medication but he told me this medication is what I need to help me and I know I need to take it for a while in order for it to work and I’m excited actually to feel better and get my life back thank you for this gave me piece of mind 😁