Im starting to have an attack is anyone out there right now to talk me down.........😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Help ASAP: Im starting to have an... - Anxiety and Depre...
BREATHE! Praying for you right now mind automatically goes to fear of a heart attack mode!!!!
I just prayed for you. God is with you, command the fear, anxiety, terror, worry, anything you are experiencing to stop and leave! I had the worst bout of anxiety in the last two weeks to the point where I lost 12 pounds and thought I was going to end up in a psych ward. I started commanding the demons of fear, insomnia, worry, whatever was troubling me to leave me in the name of Jesus and to not return. After I did that every time I was experiencing it and they have left. You have control and power of you! It is HARD because evil wants to come in but you can’t let it! I am going to keep praying for you. I’m here for you. Keep breathing and focus on being in control. Deep breath into nose slowly hold and then let out through mouth. You got this!!
Don’t worry you aren’t having a heart attack! That’s how mine feels every time! This evil wants to make us think we are having a heart attack to pull us in even more to it’s lies. After already worrying you by panicking you now it wants to evoke even more fear in you by making you think you are having a heart attack. You are strengthened by God!
Had a verbal altercation with a toxic relative now my heart rate is up...breathing short...u know!!!!! Took one of my buspirone but its gonna take about 15 minutes so I'm trying the slow breathing but its not working....
You’re not alone
Thanks everyone have to keep my mind from the worst... Its calming to know u all understand
Same here starting to have an attack and I know it’s gonna be a long night!! I was having such a great day, but of course like always out of nowhere my heart rate spikes and I feel like I am gonna die. I am trying to just breathe and watch Netflix. I hope your medicine is working and you start feeling better! Always here to talk!
Its starting to soothe... Thanks to everyone.. People that haven't been through look at me as if I'm losing my mind...Sara C I'm praying and pulling for you to calm yours as well...we're both in for a long night because I'm sure I'll get no sleep now