After having a few good days, I'm back to thinking I'm dying of multiple things. Right now it's my heart/chest that I'm focused on. Last night it was my head. I don't wanna run to the hospital again but I'm so flipping scared. This is tiring.
Here we go again...: After having a few... - Anxiety and Depre...
Here we go again...

You might have anxiety.
I do but I think it's health anxiety too. I'm constantly thinking I'm dying of everything. I try to avoid bad news but I can't completely avoid it. Everytime I hear/read of someone dying of something I google and dwell on it non stop until I start getting the symptoms that involves what the person died of. Lastnight I heard Luke Perry died of a stroke and I got scared. I looked up the article on him and I googled stroke symptoms and such for a very long time. I then got a headache, it felt like my arm was going numb and I told myself I was having one too. This morning it's my heart and chest. It's too much.
Health anxiety is not fun. Especially when you get those hospital bills in the mail. You go to the hospital/doctor and they run labs and tell you that everything is perfectly fine and it's just anxiety yet you feel that there is more to it. My therapist told me last week that everyone dies and that's the one thing we dont have control of. It's hard to let go. What will help is if you start leading a healthy lifestyle that will boost your confidence: exercise can be light walking, eat healthier, take vitamins, meditate before going to ed and when you wake up. Also make sure you get a therapist if you dont have one
Thank you for the great advice. Everything U mentioned (exercise, healthy eating, etc) I don't do. I really have been wanting to exercise as I have heard that may help relieve stress, but I'm scared of having a heart attack while exercising. That's where a therapist may come in as U suggested. Again, thank U.
Also stop watching the news and any medical shows like house, royal plains, that kind of stuff because you will start to internalize what you see on tv and then you will start wondering if that will happen. to you and that's a whole nother thing you dont want to deal with
Yes that's so true. I had to cut out certain TV shows. I kept wondering why my anxiety was still around and kept feeling impending doom more and then I thought about it, I was binge watching a few shows that my daughter was looking at like Greys Anatomy. Omg I had to stop watching. It kept me in fear. And funny thing is, it's a really good show. Awesome show and I'm mad that I can't watch it. But you're right. I had to cut out some social media too. It was always bad news and made me worry even more.
Right. I especially hate reading the news and a young adult dies from a disease because then I start to wonder if it happened to them then it could happen to me. I love reading the news because I like to stay informed but I dont know if I can do it any longer.
You sound much like me. Every time I'd here bad news about someone else I'd immediately start thinking it will happen to me. And yes even became obsessed with going on Google. Would be in tunnel vision for hours looking on there. And I'd feel like a zombie afterwards. Couldn't focus on nothing but what I got from seeing on Google. I had to deactivate my Facebook for this reason alone because every time I was on it, I always saw bad news about someone and then my anxiety would be sky high.
And I was always going to er and clinics every time I felt like something bad was about to happen. Never hesitated. But now I am also getting tired of doing that. I've spent so much money on doctors visits til I have ran down almost all of my money in savings. I'm so disgruntled by it. So I know what you mean.
I have started a broadcast on YouTube that talks about my journey with anxiety and my fears of fate and worries about my health. Two of my videos in particular are actually discussing how I am always on Google and the other I talked about how I get when I hear bad news about other people. I invite you to check them out if you like. Here's one of them. I decided to do this because I wanted another way to conquer my fears and anxiety by sharing my journey with others who go through it and just wants to know they are not alone, plus I wanted to show my face. Show who I am as an anxiety sufferer.
Here's my link to one of them. Hope it helps. And feel free to look at the others if you just need to feel reassured. Wish us the best 😊
Thank U so much. I will DEFINITELY take a look at your Youtube broadcast. As for Facebook, I too had to let that and my other pages go because of all of the negativity I saw everytime I logged in. It was always a trigger for me. And Dr. Google? The worst! You have a GREAT day!
Hi, I hope you are doing better! I was wondering if you have tried Magnesium Glycinate? Doctors Best, is a great brand, not all magnesium is created equal. It has helped me quite a bit. Good luck and God Bless. It is good for Palps and your nerves!!!!

I haven't but I'm willing to try it. I suffer from palpitations too so this is a plus. Thank U and may GOD bless U aswell.