Still taking baby steps, But am still soberšš¤£
Serenity Prayer: Still taking baby... - Anxiety and Depre...
Serenity Prayer

grab a copy the big book and read the chapter more about alcoholism. they illustrate the 'peculiar mental twist' one goes through prior to that first drink.
I have the big book on my phone thinking about going to meetings one day
Please do. I was amazed to see how many are on the same boat. Alcoholism pushes us all to a corner where the mind always wants to find a solution on its own. But entering the rooms, we allow others to help us understand what we are up against. When it comes to alcohol, our mind succumbs.
I would say to myself: I will only drink during weekends (but middle of the week i will drink).
Will not drink during office hours, but eventually drank.
Will not store alcohol in the house but will make several trips to the package stores/gas stations.
Will drink only at parties....but wont last long...
Drink only beer....
Thats what we call in AA term it as powerlessness. Alcoholics believe that one day we will control and enjoy the drinking and the big book calls it the greatest obsession of an abnormal drinker. Which leads us into gates of insanity or death. There are some great workshops on the big book on youtube. You can listen to them too.
Thank you
Through out the book, they use the term 'peculiar mental twist' just prior to that first drink. They illustrate that with the story of a guy who once owned a car dealership but lost it because of is drinking. And starts working for the same company as a salesman. The story goes, though he accepted that he has an issue but failed to enlarge his spiritual life. He goes out for a prospect in the country side on the way he stops at a restaurant for a sandwich. Still no thought of a drink. Orders a sandwich and a glass of milk. After that he orders another. At that point suddenly a thought comes through if only he mixes whiskey with milk on a full stomach, he will be fine. He succumbs to that lie and experiments with it but the craving kicks in and ends up one more time at the hospital. Its a vicious cycle. The spiritual malady leading to these blind spots and then the mind and body takes over.
Think u I see u know a lot I been sober 1 month 21 days
i have been part of the fellowship past 12 years. sponsor other people, take meetings into a correction facility. work on myself (as the serenity prayer suggest, only thing i can change is myself). This link has a graphic illustration of how un-manageability leads to the blind spot. Take a look at it. I see a strong determination in you. I know its a very fragile phase. Have a thorough understanding of how not coping up with our life situations will lead us back into that dark cycle of alcoholism. Good Luck.
Thank u I know I never want to drink again
Have you attempted to stop before?
Look back at the time how you picked back up again. There would been a lack of sane thinking around the decision to drink or you never put any thought at all. Somebody offered you a drink, you took it. Thats the in sanity/blank sport we all run into. Usually for me, I couldn't contain my emotions/couldn't deal with a life situation and the mind knows the best, namely to numb the pain. Thats the spiritual malady/un-manageability of step one of alcoholics anonymous. Thats how we remain stuck in the vicious cycle. Recovery is about applying the tools to go past the negativity. Accept and act depending on the situation. Its all about power after that to lead a normal life. Good luck with your journey.
Just checking in to see how you are doing. Are things getting better? Tell us what is going on with you now. 12 step programs are very helpful to deal with addictions. Have you considered Celebrate Recovery?
I donāt go to meetings I do online meetings and am reading the big book. And I would like to start the 12 step program and am doing a little better