Why isn’t there a support group like AA for people with Depression/Anxiety?
Support Group : Why isn’t there a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Support Group
Well, where do you live? Maybe we can start one together 😁
NAMI provides support groups throughout the U.S. : nami.org/
Thanks! But none of the locations are close to me.

start your own group .... find out how to promote meetings and see if there is a local hall or community center that will donate time for your group to meet.

have you tried meetup.com? they have emotional support and anxiety groups in my area. You just enter your zip code and search term to find a group, if one exists near you. Meanwhile, you have us, your online support group!
I live in California
Hi Warrior Girl 30: I really commend you for seeking help. That’s the best thing you can do for yourself! If you call this number, they can help you find counselors/resources in your area: 855-382-5433. Continue taking care of yourself, blessings
Today I found Emotions Anonymous - they offer free group sessions worldwide. You can look for a group near you by visiting their website. I'm going to my first meeting this Saturday.
Hi SmilesLots, I went to EA years ago, it was held at a hospital. A great format, nice
people. Very helpful. I wish you luck at your first meeting this Saturday. Let us know how
it went. xx
Thanks Agora! I will report back about my experience with EA. I'm having surgery Feb 6th and won't be able to attend a meeting for 3-4 weeks. I'm planning on attending their skype or phone meetings after surgery. And of course, I'll be on this site!
Thanks so much Agora! You are very sweet and kind. I will be fine - nothing life-threatening thank goodness.