Tomorrow is national Mental Health Day. There is a tendency in the news that a mass killer or a terrorist has 'mental health' issues. This is very unfair to us. We get painted with the same brush as killers and terrorists. This seeds fear of people who deal with mental problems. We need to change the conversation to clearly differentiate between those who have mental health problems and those who are crazy. Talk to your local news outlets and let them that you are neither crazy or a terrorist! Ask for better language.
Lets change the message: Tomorrow is... - Anxiety and Depre...
Lets change the message

I wouldn’t call them crazy. They are sociopaths. That’s not a mental illness. That is a way of life. You can try to change the conversation but calling them sociopaths doesn’t grab your attention like saying they are mentally ill. It’s all about ratings in the end. Ratings beget advertising dollars.

I agree, they are definitely sociopaths. And dollars are what motivates most enterprises. However, for each letter or electronic communication a news outlet receives they believe there are at least 10 that believe the same. That is an old statistic. I've heard the number is bigger now. Believing we can't be instruments for change, guarantees change won't happen. If enough of us ask for change, maybe the smallest outlets will change. Maybe one or two large ones will, too. A small change is better than none at all.
I've already sent several e-mails. Join me. We have nothing to lose, and maybe lots to gain. We'll see what happens!
Yes I can’t agree more with what you said. Even a long journey starts with one step. I hope you give us a voice. I am not able at this time to join you. I have so much going on.
I think that every time there’s a mass shooter who is”mentally ill”.
Someone with depression/ anxiety is totally different from a psychotic sociopath- just like a cold and cancer are worlds apart.
I know what you mean. That's why it's so great to see shows now whose lead character has Asperger syndrome and a functioning form of autism. The Good Doctor is one, and a short series on cable called 'Atypical'. Every time someone famous comes out and says they have battled with depression or bi-polar, anxiety etc. and still have managed to live takes the element of the 'unknown' and social stigma out of mental health.