I'm new to this whole support group thing. I've experienced a lot of loss in the last 2 years and I don't know how to be happy anymore. I just want help.
New guy: I'm new to this whole support... - Anxiety and Depre...
New guy

Welcome bird
Hello Sadbirdie95. What has happened in the last 2 years that brought you to this low point in your life. Personal losses, situational losses? Are you seeing a therapist or on any medication? We are here to listen to each other and offer our own personal experiences in dealing with mental health issues. I'm glad you reached out to this support group. We may not have the answer as to how you can be happy again but know that we do understand the feeling and that we care. You are not alone anymore.
2 of my sisters passed away 18 months apart. I'm always the supportive, strong one. I'm sick of being strong. I miss my sisters and people want me to get over it. I was also molested In high school but I never got help for it or told anyone in my family.
I am truly sorry for your losses. I can't start to imagine losing two siblings so close apart. Don't listen to others who tell you how to grieve. It's too soon. We each grieve in our own way, in our own time. I can understand how much demand that is on your shoulders to always be the strong one to hold everything together. This is your time Sadbirdie to step back and take care of you.
Carrying the act of molestation all these years has got to have been a heavy weight on your shoulders. I'm sorry you felt you couldn't reach out to family and get the proper
counseling a young person needs with such a vile act. My hope is that you get the therapy you need to address both issues. It's too much for one person to carry this kind of pain. There are many people on this forum who have been through multiple losses as well as molestation. You can trust that you have found a safe place to come to where we will respect you, comfort you and help you the best we can.
I would start by defining what it means for me(you) to be happy. Then I would select goals that would bring me to contentment. From there I could work towards happy.
I can understand how you feel. I don't know what kind of loss you are talking about, but I can understand how you feel. We are here for you if you need to rant or just talk.
Hi friend, I'm so sorry about your loss. I used to struggle finding happiness until I found God. I literally had to partake on a spiritual journey to find myself because I didn't know how to be happy for myself. Have you tried seeking God? or expressing yourself to close friends and family? Sometimes talking to others in-depth about our feelings can lift our spirits... I am praying that God comforts you and brings you joy!
Thank you very much! I know God for myself and try to pray when I can. Being religious played a positive role in my growth but faith without work is dead so I use this safe space to vent.. Much love ❤