I am totally new to an online discussion group, but I need some help!!!! I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and I take medication for both. I am also going through menopause and that creates a lot of additional stress on my body. I don't know how to tell if my symptoms are from depression or menopause or both. My depression meds were recently changed and it seemed to help at first. Now I'm lost again. Real in-depth therapy is not an option at this point due to finances. I could use a little support......
support without therapy: I am totally... - Anxiety and Depre...
support without therapy

Boy menopause is a tough one to get through! Been there done that! So glad it's over, I still suffer with depression, anxiety, ptsd & agoraphobia. I wish you all the best! Peace for you!!! XXX

Thank you for your reply, it helps knowing you took the time to notice......
Hello I hope all is well today I too am dealing with anxiety and depression and I am here to say you have gained a friend in your corner and someone who understands your fight but never give up you are a warrior and this will not beat you so long as I’m here to support you and we will get thru this together we will fight the good fight anytime you need to talk just send me a message so put your mind at rest and enjoy the rest of your day
Hi there Calt28 thank you so much for your message!!! I feel like I ride a roller coaster all day long (even if I like them!) and it is EXHAUSTING!! It is very hard to have family understand when they have not been in the same boat, having others who understand makes so much difference!! I don't work right now so I am always up for a chat if needed!!! Thank you for being you!!!
Well......being women in exactly the same spot.....when menopause hit....there was a lot of cross over symptoms....the depression for one. But you take care of each issue as it comes. There is natural hormone replacement therapy that my doctor prescribed in the beginning of this journey,...and my pharmacist made up the compound so as to regulate the proper dosage. It worked...but I still had to take my SSRI for my existing depression.
i want to thank you for your post!!! I am VERY new and have not yet established a routine with working the chats. I do know how much it takes to respond, I can barely keep my day going at this point, so your input really helps. I do have a lot of trouble taking one step at a time, it helps to know that it works for you!!! I hope you are feeling good today and that we both fight on!!! PEACE
I hope all is well but you are right most pro in our corner really don’t understand what we are dealing with on a day to day unless they borrow our shoes and take a walk but we just have to put up the best fight possible and give all we can to over come our situation we are warriors and we can do anything we set our minds to some days may be better then others but we will get thru each one good or bad with god first anything is possible because we know we are not alone in the fight ....... have a great rest of your day peace and love