It feels impossible to help my friend who also has depression. Reason being is she self harms and i dont. With all my anxiety and depression its hard for me to help her and it makes me feel like a bad person. I feel so overwhelmed, i want to help her more
Friend in need: It feels impossible to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Friend in need

I hope both of you are under medical treatment for depression. Also, if you're suffering from major depression it's hard to function at all, much less be of great help to others. Be kind to yourself right now.
You are a true and loyal friend. Sometimes we have to accept our limits. I know I can’t help everyone perfectly, but sometimes just being present with them in their time of need is all I can offer. People will always remember who was their with them when they were down and out. They won’t remember what you said. Just that you were there. I hope that helps.

It does, thank you

Well said and I agree. Lindsey, are there times when no matter what someone says, you will still feel down? Look at it that way. At least you are there for her.
You can only do so much! You’re not a therapist (are you?). I feel like it’s up to each person to actively help themselves. Don’t feel guilty as you’re not the one causing harm. Be there for her as much as you can and maybe you could suggest that she seek help with the self harming. You’re being an awesome friend, but remember that it’s not your job to fix her. That’s something she has to work on, hopefully, with a trained professional. Many hugs to you!
Dear Lindsey 14, I am sorry for you are going through. I do not know about your particular situation (‘s) but you do have a purpose in life. Even in the darkest moments in our lives there’s always hope. It is understandable that you want to help your friend because she needs help also. However it is very generous of you that you want to help her. Please do not feel that you are bad person, but you are a loyal friend and you show her that you are there for her. I think that is a lot. There are persons that they do not have no one but she has you. Things happen for a reason. And I know from my experiences that sometimes we do not know how to handle suffering. Suffering is neither good nor bad. And if we embrace it we can allow our transformation into a better person. In despise of this situation let me tell you that you are important and valuable person and you are a person worth of dignity. Please hang in there! Do not give up! Maybe you can take out the good of this situation that you have to deal with. Have you ever thought seeking Counseling or therapy? Counseling or therapy can be helpful to work through things like this. You and your friend are valuable and worth of fighting for. Therapy is important because you can discover the roots that cause you depression. This list-ly is extremely important for you are going through: ; and maybe you can share this with your friend : Sending you hugs. I will keep you in my prayers, my friend.-keep us posted, OK?