I joined because I recently been expierencing a lot of anxiety over tests at school, depression about how things are in my life and my harassment trauma two years ago. I need people who are going to support me because I am just so lonely and I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to.
How do you not breakdown inside?? - Anxiety and Depre...
How do you not breakdown inside??

I will gladly help where I can.
Tell us about yourself...
Well I go to school and I'm a dancer. I had a bad knee injury two days after Christmas this year that needed two surgeries and I'm still in physical therapy. And its been hard because since the accident no one really texts me anymore or wants to hang out. Like I always have to text them first. And with finals and regents its so stressful cause you have to study like a years worth of material and then sit in a room for 4 hours. I already have summer fever and just want school to be over😂 . There is also one other thing, but that's for another time.
Well, now you have plenty of people to talk to right here, without judgment and with understanding of anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles. You are definitely not alone! Are you receiving any treatment for your trauma, such as counseling? We're all individuals here, but medication has proven very helpful to me and many others.
A big welcome to you! I hope you will stay and that the friendship here will be helpful.