Good morning! Just went for a walk and got so much anxiety I had to come home. I'm fat beyond belief but trying to lose some. Just gained back what I lost. I'm extremely scary ugly I just want to die. It hurts everyday. Everyone gives me a disgusted dirty look. I can't take it anymore!!!! Can anyone relate? I'm devastated cause summers coming and I look terrible. Its overwhelming and embarrassing. Well have a great day to everyone.
Tortuerd by anxiety!!!: Good morning... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tortuerd by anxiety!!!

Take control of your life but creating a diet and exercise plan that will work for you. I promise that if you follow the plan you will lose weight and that will make you feel better. You have to stick with it and not skip days. Do you think you can do it?
First off you are being way too hard on yourself.....most people aren't really paying much attention to any of us...and if they do ... then shame on them !!!
Love & Big Warm Hugs! XXX

I tell myself that but my head just keeps saying your a disgusting person. I hate who I am. I hate waking up everyday. I ask God why do you keep me here why!!!
Loves, hugs and 🙏🙏
That breaks my heart. I love you! XXX
I can relate in getting very down on myself and the more I call myself names the worse I look to myself but when I’m happy I say happy things to myself and see and believe that it’s true and that I was just over analyzing and breaking my own heart. But really matters so much is what is inside. I’m trying to improve my heart, give more love let more love in. I am so sorry you are suffering and I am sending good vibes to you((((((((((((( 💕
Wow thanks for the wonderful message. I try and say good things but its like my brain just tells me to shut up and just accept your ugliness!! Just awful. I feel like the most disgusting person on the planet. Thanks again for your kind message. Ill keep trying to say good things!! Love right back to you. I'm taking in the good vibes!!!😀😀
Hi lovedogs, I can relate. I feel ugly and I can’t stand it. Every day I feel this way. When I’m on the internet, when someone ask for my picture, they no longer talk to me. I just keep going one day at a time. I totally understand.

Oh hi there! I'm so grateful for your message. I feel so alone. I totally get what you mean when ppl ask for your pic. I don't even have to send one ppl never talk to me much at all. I'm doing the same like you just try and cope day by day. Anytime you need to talk I'm here cause I'm currently not working. Walking this morning killed me. All I wanted to do was get back home and hide in my apt So nobody could give me anymore dirty looks. I haven't been out in years. Life has become unbearable!!#
I’m so glad you understand. I would like to talk to you.

How do you cope with your anxiety? I run and hide from all ppl. I get the worst dirty looks. It just hurts so bad!!! I try and be nice to everyone but get shit on constantly!!! Do ppl ever stare you down or give you dirty looks?
Hello, yes, it's awful isn't it? I've been Fat, Thin and everything in between and i still feel that people are glaring at me. However, you have every right to be on this earth. So stick your head up, ignore them and keep on walking. Good luck😊🌻✌️
Thanks for the awesome message. I try to say that but I feel soooo disgusting that going out for a walk is a huge battle. That's why I'm tired of waking up in the morning. As soon as I see myself I get upset cause of the weight gain. I appreciate your message cause I don't feel alone!!
Your very welcome. I usually check on here, once a day. So if you want some support, you just need to say so. I have 2 friends who are very overweight and i mean over 25 stone. Both are kind and caring people and that's why they are my friends. There size bothers them, not me. As you say " beauty is in the eye of the beholder". It also, " shines from within". 😊🌻✌️
I so agree. I see your from England. Ppl there are so kind. I've always talked to very kind ppl from England!!😀😀 Thank you for the message. I'm friends with kind and caring ppl also. Ppl who judge others on weight or looks alone is terrible. Beauty is definitely on who we are as a person. That's what matters to me also. I'd love to keep in touch. My name is Kacey and its nice to talk with,you😀
Hello Kacey (nice name), my name is Dee. Yes, i,m English and from the Cold and at the moment foggy East.😊 You are so right, not to judge on appearances, everyone should do that. It's strange that historically, when a Country is poor, it becomes fashionable to be fat, when a Country is wealthy the fashion is to be thin. You can see it amongst tribal people. Crazy really! An yet we are all the same inside. I agree with "here" that Woman are portrayed terribly in the media and it's no wonder young girls are so weight and looks obsessed. To be honest i,m a stone or 2 overweight, but, have learned not to worry about it these days. If i,m healthy that's the important thing. Have a good Day/night. Whatever it is where you are. 😊🌻✌️
Oh I know what you mean. That's always made me so mad because of the pressure it puts on us. Its very sad. Beauty is on the inside I believe!!