Does anyone feel dizzy & nauseous during a anxiety attack? Not to mention that I'm tired, having chest spasms and have a headache. May be cuz my chest is tight hurting and achy that's makes me feel dizzy & nauseous.
Anxiety : Does anyone feel dizzy... - Anxiety and Depre...

If you're hyperventilating, you're going to feel dizzy, and maybe on the verge of blacking out. Various muscles will tighten up during anxiety and panic, so you could be sore anywhere on your body afterwards.
You could always get checked out by your doctor, in case you think it's more than anxiety.
Have you looked into Claire Weekes's videos on YouTube? I read two of her books on panic and anxiety, and they were a great help.
I get extremely nausea when I have a panic attack, usually to the point of throwing up. I have since I was a child. I also get extremely cold and shake uncontrollably. For the longest time I didn’t know I was having a panic attack because I didn’t have the “traditional” symptoms.
Me personally I feel as though I am going to throw up and have diarrhea at the same time then I get chest pains racing heart feeling sweaty clammy etc. Not fun I know how you feel it can be terrifying. I have on many occasions gone to the ER thinking it was a heart issue to find out I was just fine and it was anxiety. But now I know what to expect from my body while having an episode.
I have felt a lot of symptoms and they are always changing which sucks. I almost felt like I was going to collapse on the floor, feeling of impending doom, sweaty hands. Now I get upset stomach, heart rate elevates, nausea, yawning alot, dry patches on my face starts to form omg it’s embarrassing lol I carry an evian water spray to fresh up my face because my face looks beatup. I had a vitamin d defiency for not getting sun so it had contributed to my dizzyness and nausea . My anxiety was unbearable but I began going out for sun a little and never felt better! dizzyness and nausea gone.
I get dizzy and looks lighttheaded during an anxiety attack.
Hi Erin, I feel dizzy all the time due to my anxiety, my arms always go heavy and tingly I am like this every day, I know how you feel.
Absolutely! One of my main symptoms was dizziness and nausea. It seems like this is a very common thing with anxiety. I will be praying for you as I fully understand how scary this can be. Just know this too shall pass.
I haven't had an anxiety attack for many years. That being said, this past Winter has been very bad for me physically and emotionally.
I have had irritable bowel attacks almost every day and, due to that, plus the cold and dreary weather, I haven't gotten out much.
Yesterday, I was feeling a bit better physically so I forced myself to go to the store for some much needed things.
Before leaving, I began to feel nauseous and dizzy. I KNEW it was caused by my nerves, but it wasn't the kind of panic attack I used to get.
Anyway, my Dr had told me of a good remedy for nausea. It is called Ginger Root. It comes in the form of pills and you can find it at any drug store. It is even better than coke syrup for me.
Anyway, it takes a little while to help, but it DOES help great.
Thinking about your symptoms and the symptoms of others, maybe I DID experience a panic attack.
I was still able to go to the store and as soon as I walked outside into the somewhat warm and sunny weather, I felt better.
Btw, I have been taking Klonopin for my anxiety for years and that has helped to stop the panic attacks, well most of them if yesterday's experience actually WAS a panic attack.
Talk with your Dr about your symptoms and keep coming back here whenever you can.
You are NOT alone!!
Do you think that I'm experiencing dizzyness and feeling nauseous due to chest spams they hurt a lot.
Your anxiety COULD be due to the chest pains or the anxiety itself may have caused the chest pains. Think about what, if anything you were afraid of or worried about before your symptoms began.
Also, get to your Dr, tell him about your symptoms and then he can do some tests to determine if the symptoms were actually caused by something physical, especially the chest pains.
Good luck and we will be here for you,
Ginger root gives me esophagus cramps sometimes I tend to avoid it.
Yes, pain or fear is basically the root cause of anxiety. Then the irrational and overthinking of future pain or fear is what fuels anxiety and keeps it going. You have to stop the cycle and stop caring or just learn to observe without emotion (mindfulness).
Quite often I feel nauseas when I am anxious. Have you had a physical recently? I get cramps just below my bust line that dr., said were from anxiety but you need to make sure all's well. Good luck.
I have every one of those symptoms. I spent all day today active, but with rubbery legs and dizziness. It is frustrating, but I am trying to function more even when I feel like that. You are not alone.
I've had severe anxiety since Wed I almost cut myself today. I don't feel like doing anything today & I have so much to do. I really don't know what to do anymore. I hate myself so bad .
I get more nauseous than seems is possible a human could endure during panic attacks. Absolutely the worst.
My body feels like it's being attacked especially after a anxiety attack. But having chest spasms is so on going. What ever I do.
Do u ever feel like your fighting to get better. My body feels like it's being attacked. That's probably what flight or fight means.
Yes, very scary feeling.....