Do you get the thoughts like you can’t function, like in your mind you’re paralyzed and you have to tell yourself to move your arms or feet etc? Like you’re gonna lose yourself? I was using the bathroom and I felt like I had to tell myself to flush and make sure I wash my hands, like I can’t do it without letting it be known.
Can’t function?: Do you get the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Can’t function?

Ye s I've had that .your mind is so busy worrying about everything that can happen. .it's consumed.try thinking about something happy in past
I can’t seem to think about stuff except for my debt, feeling like I can’t hold down a job, not being my old self (the out going me), etc... I’m on edge, tense, anxious daily =\
I just woke and didn't know were I was for like a minute .it felt like 10 min. Tho.that ever happen to u ?
It's just panic for a bit. It's probably cuz I travel and stay different places that are not familiar .u think?
How are you now .calm down at all
Ohh okay... yeah it’s sucks but then goes away. I don’t travel as much anymore but my comfort place is definitely at home on my couch. I’m okay now. I’m calm thank god. But I’ll probably be up for a while since going to sleep is hard for me....