Just a quick post to ask how everyone is doing? Haven’t been here in a while but am here to talk if needed. Hope you are all doing well.
Hi all, how is everyone doing? - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi all, how is everyone doing?

Hi Clare Iam ok have up and downs still but wife and i are looking at moving house so stressful anyway. How are things with you
Hey Simonn good to hear from you. Yes moving can be stressful, but it may also be the start of a fresh beginning for you. Hang in there your doing great. I’m good, I’m having some bad spells at the mo, which is why i’ve popped my head back in, but I am dealing with it and facing it head on!
I know its not a big issue but cant get out of my head sometimes. Glad you are dealing think you are a very strong person.
still getting over the flu...but alive
Its been a nightmare my anxiety is getting so bad I still have not been to work and I'm missing out on offers considering i need a new job. I have gotten so uncomfortable with my self i don't want to go out meet me people etc..it's sad because life alone is boring and i know this is not me. I am still holding on. But its a struggle
I’ve been there and occasionally still go there. I was off work for a few month, I isolated myself from everyone. It’s ok to do that, but you are doing great by reaching out and talking on here. I am a good listener and I can offer an ear if you need it. Take care and know that it is ok to feel like this, you will get through it.
I need my life back but afraid of just relapsing yet I'm dying knowing that i could be enjoying life ...but when i get out There i swear i feel inferior to others. .. I had so much time to workl on a license self esteem etc ..before It gets hot out (another trigget) idk what I'm doing. ..i dint want to regret my choice to leave my job but damn can i stop being afraid of everything i fell like a kid smh
I think we can all relate to that. But at the end of the day we must plough forward and see what life has to offer and brings