I feel like I have no life. Nothing to live for. I don't know how to break out of this.
I wake up & just go back to sleep - Anxiety and Depre...
I wake up & just go back to sleep

Been there. The exhaustion is so real.
Yes. It is very difficult to find the motivation to do anything. I feel like I have no purpose.
I know it’s crushing. Try to find just one small thing. A nagging task you’ll feel better if you accomplish. Something indulgent to make you happy. Something necessary to take care of yourself. Just something. Get up and do that one thing. Tell yourself you can go back to bed afterward if you need to. A lot of times once I’m up I don’t feel like I even need to go back to bed after that. If I can just trick myself into getting up and getting some momentum, a lot of times that works.
I hear you, it's terrifically draining some days to just get out of bed and stay out.
But, as "atleastitsraining" says, try doing ONE thing, say, read a chapter in your book, write a note of what you need to purchase at the grocer's, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, feed the birds, take a short walk. Then, spend a bit more time praising yourself with a pep talk..."well done, dms7839, you didn't want to move about but you accomplished thus and so".
Yeah, it may sound silly, but once you start positive self talk, it can become a habit. Give it a go...I wish you well!
Hi, I have been doing the same thing the last 5 days or so. Life just seems hopeless. There is nothing that makes me happy anymore.
Just know you are not alone in feeling this way.
Lovely, it's been 3-5 days for me too this round. Just feel .......like I am useless.
I am here to chat if you need....
Take a look at my last reply. I also take lorazapam 0.5 that works for me. You probably should be on an SSRI also.
themighty.com/2017/05/one-h... just read this and thought of you. Hope you’re doing well.