i hate when i do everything around the house , i work , and i volunteer the rest of my time to help others and other people do nothing and get $1,000 things because they deserve it ? what do i get ? nope i get to be told what to do , when to do it
hmm : i hate when i do everything... - Anxiety and Depre...

Umm if its your spouse maybe they'll split it...PS life is not fair...but you can be 😊
Why do you volunteer all your free time to help others? I think you need to start standing up for yourself and refuse to be treated like this. Can you do that? If not what are the barriers to it? x

i’ve tried talking about it but i always get yelled at because i should be thankful that i have a place to live ...
What would happen if you yelled back? Would you get chucked out of your home? You also said you 'volunteer' which means to me you offer to do it? Did you mean to use that word?
I would work on getting out of there into your own place as quickly as possible. x

yes i offer to do things for people to be nice , if i yelled back i’m scared of what would happen ....
So what are you able to do to change some of that so you are happier with your life? You have the power to do that, even if some other people may need to adjust too. Bet you have thought about that. What did you come up with?
my old solution was to just take pills to calm down but now i’m in rehab for it i don’t really have a solution
Are you paying rent? Where is mom getting the 1000 from? If you volunteer that should make you feel good about yourself... Is it an enforced volunteer ing?
Oh you are young still finding yourself... As long as your living with mom she has a rt to expect you to do chores..you can work towards being more independent and maybe share an apartment with other people. If she yells at you ..tell her how it makes you feel when she's calm..glad you gave up whatever your vice was in rehab...that is an important step to being adult..make a plan of where you want to be in 5 years..schooling, type of job, health issues you want to address, social goals. Etc ...hopefully you can talk to a therapist and maybe your mom should too...don't begrudge her the new phone hon...she did give you life and has worked much longer than you have..you'll get to where you want to be just chose steps that bring you closer to where you want to be..