My daughter and I are suffering from anxiety and depression. We live in the same household so we trigger each other at times. We are very isolated in a rural setting and do not have the funds to go to support groups. Our biggest challenge each day is to find the courage to be active or accomplish household tasks needing attention. This weekend our kitchen sink became clogged. Neither one of us has had the courage to dismantle the plumbing and solve the problem so dishes are piling up. Then the guilt and shame escalates.... Just another day... We are on the brink of homelessness if I don't find a job i can do soon, this adds to the anxiety. She has medical help and is on medication. Has gained a bunch of weight which doesnt help self asteem. I have no insurance and am self employed making crafts. The work of "making" helps but at times creates anxiety and isnt enough income to cover expenses... More guilt and shame. I wish there was a group locally we could join. We both have no friends or contacts to lean on. Thank you for reading my post, this online community has helped me feel less isolated.
Mom and daughter fighting depression.... - Anxiety and Depre...
Mom and daughter fighting depression....

Hello. Can your Mum get a job or no t may I ask? Do you have money to call a plumber?
I know your pain I have my good days and my bad days a lot of my anxiety attacks I thought were heart attacks in the beginning because of the physical symptoms I was always having (heart pounding, dizzy, impending doom feeling, breathing difficulty) but after years of having them and talking to doctors and therapists I realize now when I have them they are just anxiety attacks but they can be very scary for sure if you don't know what it is in the beginning. I hate taking RX meds too so it's a double edge sword, I feel like I trade one problem for another when I take the pills the doctors give me and all the side effects that come with them. To be honest I have been using medical marijuana for the last few years and I feel it really helps me and doesn't have near as many bad side effects. I know it might sound crazy but look into it and try a sativa strain it really helps with mood, anxiety and depression. But use a low does if you never tried it before
Thank you for all the recommendations! My daughter pointed put to me all the different ailments I've experienced over the last 6 months... All were symptoms of anxiety. And that impending doom feeling... I can soo relate... It's the worst. Will look into sativa, ive tried marijuana... Unfortunately it makes me feel paranoid, go figure. Thank you for listening!
No problem and I hope you and your daughter can find help for your medical issues. Street marijuana is a thing of the past you never know what your getting as far as quality and what's been done to it pesticides,mold etc. what I'm recommending you try is medical cannabis provided by a doctor in your state. Medical cannabis is completely different there a certain strains (indica, sativa, hybrid) that help with different things sleep, pain , anxiety, depression etc. that's why I was suggesting a sativa strain they work very well for anxiety, mood and depression. The paranoid feeling was most likely from consuming to much or using the wrong type of cannabis for what you were experiencing. Remember less is more when it comes to medical cannabis
My son and I are suffering as you. I totally understand. We have good and bad days. As the mom I try to get out and do things since my son can't do it. This has been the most difficult struggle in my life. Stay strong and take baby steps. Do only want you can each day. Don't be hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself.
I am not sure if you are in the UK or USA or somewhere else. If you let us know, I am sure some forum members will have a few contacts for you
Some ideas to find help are to contact your local council to see if there home and community care service that you could access for no or a small fee.
Local support for mental health is harder to find unless you live in a biggish city. A community centre or library might have some information. Your doctor will have some information for referrals as well. A number of online e-health programs are available. A good one is smiling mind
You can also make use of Dr Google - type in "mental health+the area you live in" to see what local support there is for you.
Hi, sorry to hear you and your daughter are struggling. What country are you in if you don’t mind me asking?
My child and I suffered quite a few years back, but we got better. I think we actually fed off each other’s depression as well. Now I have moved away due to my husband’s work. I am struggling again, and missing my children terribly even though they are grown. The job is not panning out, and I am terrified of not having enough income therefor I am not getting help. Everything costs so much. We have no medical insurance.
I hope you continue to post. I have felt better with support here at times.
Well wishes for you and your daughter.
Sorry about this. Being rural and isolated hmm... NAMI does offer support groups at no cost, but you have have to find out if there if one in your area. Can a neighbor help with the plumbing or a relative? Are you in the US?