Hi all I've recently been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. Im currently on medication to help with the panic attacks and sleep..please tell me that in time it will get easier im so lost at the moment i don't know what to do alls i know is that im missing the old me. Xx
Recently diagnosed: Hi all I've... - Anxiety and Depre...
Recently diagnosed

Awww I know the feeling, I too just recently got diagnosed with bipolar depression and anxiety and am being medicated but as well am to new all this. I probably had all of this a while ago but had it suppressed since I was self medicating with weed years ago.
Now that I no longer smoke weed it definitely manifested itself. I miss the old me as well. What has me pushing forward is that with the help I’m getting the old me will come back.
Just try to stay positive and I know thats hard since at the moment everything is negative on our outlook but your not alone in this.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.....i have really bad chest pains racing heart beat and the dizzy feeling with numbness in my left arm its really does scare the life out of me i always feel like this is the end of me wen it happens.....its good to know that im not on my own with this im just trying to understand it all. X
If you don’t mind me asking but how old are you ? Curiosity is striking me because I work in the medical field and your symptoms just make me wonder why your feeling them besides cause it’s your anxiety just want to make sure your not in the age group for heart issues or stroke don’t want to alarm you.
Now to think of it I wasn’t paying much mind to my anxiety today because I have patients that kind of take my mind off of what’s going with myself but I did too notice pain in my chest and left arm.
But I’m only 30 or will be in 2 weeks but don’t think I’m having a heart attack or stroke lol at least let’s hope not 😝
Here if you need to get things off your chest. Joined this site about a month I want to say and it’s a big help because people here listen and know what your going through and at least here you can’t really tell if your a bother to them or not unlike being face to face with people and reading them and getting the sense that they could careless what your talking about let alone what your going through.
I feel here people do really care and are better understanding l.
Same to both posts. I can barely work honestly and I lose hope that I will ever get better, and I am heavily medicated. I self medicated like ktp8789 said, and it stopped working after a while and now I am on a mood stabilizer, antidepressant and sedative for anxiety. Positivity is definitely what you need, but its easier said than done cause I am such a negative and depressed person and I can say this, but I can't implement it in my own life. These things we have will never GO AWAY but we learn to cope with them and make them easier on us.
Thank you its just really scary and i feel wen i have a really bad attack that that's the end of me x
Yeah panic attacks are debilitating. I get them at work all the time. I am a full time associate and have not met my 40 hours in almost 6 months because I just can't stay at work. I totally get how you feel. Its even scarier cause there is no understanding to why the panic is happening sometimes.
I panic about going out today i was meant to going shopping with my family and i just couldn't do it i really don't understand any of this at all.....at one time shopping was one of my favourite things to do now i cant even do it 😔x
There are times when I am about to go out and spend time with my mom and just as I’m getting to her I’m have anxiety and shopping is also fun when I’m up for it or I’m in my high mania point and I’m spending money because of it on things I don’t even need
How do i get it under control ajay575 x
Thank you. X
Thank you i will try and do this. X
Things will get better❤️ I've personally knew I've had both since i can remember, but I just got diagnosed about two years ago. It can be difficult and medication can be hard in the beginning. I promise that if you push trough it and work with your therapist and doctor, it'll be able to help you so much.
Keep pushing on because I cannot wait to hear about your success!!
I was where you are about two months ago. If you have good doctors and are seeking therapy that will help a lot. What medication are you taking? I actually was dancing in the car yesterday for the first time in a very long time. It did take time.