As I get older. Getting worse. Anxiety.panic attacks. Im losing interest in everything. Cant control it..and dont know what to do. Had a happy childhood and was happier when I was younger. Ive lost my entire family most to death. A couple distant cousins are alive but dont stay in touch. Lost a pretty large group of close friends to several things. Some dead,one in prison for life(didnt see that one coming) and others just disappeared. I just dont know how to handle this.. reaching out...
Progressively getting worse. Anxiety ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Progressively getting worse. Anxiety and depression.

Hey, I have had a lot of changes in my life especially in the last fifteen years or so. I just love it when someone who has a large family says- " Oh just go out and join a group. I am older- this isn't high school or college. I hope that you have someone to talk to like a peer support group- I know it's not the same but it's something. As far as friends disappearing- I never understood that one. You can message me if you'd like.
Thank you for the response. I dont have a support group. Would love to find a group of people that would understand at least to a certain degree. So many are busy with their lives or want to give quick fix advice. I signed up here in hopes to meet and have someone to chat with that may have similar experiences and understanding. I feel completely isolated and feel weak or as though Im burdening others if I try to discuss anything with people I know. Thats just 1,000 times worse when a person you know seems put off or bothered when you open up. Anyhow..turning 43 friday. I dont know.
Happy Birthday in advance! Unfortunately there is no quick fix to being connected. This is no quick fix- but NAMI ( National Alliance on mental illness) can be really helpful, and they just might have support groups in your area especially if you live in a more popular one. You are NOT weak when you reach out to someone- you are being authentic. Anyway, that's my opinion. I also wanted to give you some numbers of warm lines where you can talk to people . There is NYC Well at 1-888-692-9355 and Call to Talk at 508-532-2255. Volunteering can also be a nice way to connect- I have done that at a senior center. I was just curious- are you in a very stressful line of work? Please message me if you'd like) and let me know how it's going.
I hit the same speed bump or midlife crisis - increasing anxiety as i get older. I completely understand how you feel. It's unsettling and depressing to wake up one morning and realize that, through no fault you are alone. As adults we can't just go to the playground or offer to share our crayons and make a friend.
so here's my virtual hug and hand out to you - if you need someone to listen if you want to vent or if you just want to share crayons - I'm here for you
I like sharing crayons.. even if some people say "crayons" incorrectly.. i dont judge. Oddly enough met someone who just the other day we listened to music and drew/colored in one of those cool adult coloring books..they turn out amazing and is really a good way to get your mind off things..we barely spoke 10 words for a couple hours.. still feel like hell has its chain attatched to my ankle but that day was fun..