Hi,I have social anxiety any tips on how to get better?
Learning to overcome social anxiety - Anxiety and Depre...
Learning to overcome social anxiety

By baby steps, baby steps. You desensitize yourself to the anxiety slowly with tiny steps forward. So in a small social setting, say a couple of people, you say a short sentence. Then you say something else later, something short again. You slowly work up in the size of the group, maybe the next week or month the group is 4 people or 6 people and you again say a short sentence or 2. And then you say a little more as time goes on. You just keep adding to your amount of people or the amount of what you say as you can and slowly work up to a little more through time until you're fairly comfortable with most sizes of groups that are likely to occur in daily life...say, 8-12 people unless your work situation requires more. That should probably include both reading and speaking without reading. That's all that you really need.
I was at some place where we were required to speak about ourselves and when I started out, I began with "This makes me uncomfortable"...and then I said my required piece in as few words as possible. The instructor said that I had given an "I" message. Meaning "I am uncomfortable doing this" and that I was telling the other people directly what I was feeling and that was one method of communicating. So she used that to teach with, and I felt even better about using that method.
I found that going to church is a good way to get to know people. People at church are very accepting. Don't be afraid to tell people you are shy and nervous around people. I am a very shy person. But I found I need people in my life.