Hello, everyone! My name is Patty. I am 51 years old, and have been battling anxiety and panic since I buried my Mom 12 years ago. I, too, no longer really know what normal and calm are supposed to feel like. Recently, I began battling depression. I am a total introvert and have no social circle that I regularly see. I have a wonderful life partner of 31 years, and have recently started seeing a therapist. As long as life goes along normally or I have something to focus on, I am okay. But, any event in life sends me spinning out of control. For several years, I have tried to find a support group near me, but there are none. So, I joined this group in hopes of finding folks who understand what I battle every single day of my life.
Introduction: Hello, everyone! My name... - Anxiety and Depre...

You'll never be alone or without understanding here, so very many will relate to your feelings and struggle, hope you will find comfort and support by coming here, sometimes just knowing others feel your pain is so reassuring, x
Thank you. I'm so scared right now. I need help.
U sure are not alone I have been fighting depression and anxiety for 30 years now and it has its ups and downs. When I find the right medication it works for a while then bam it stopped working the other times I am fine but lately I have been lately fighting my battle all over again. All I can say is to stay in touch with your doctors, take your meds. And keep on pushing forward trying is better than doing nothing.
In good health hope it helps.
Thank you. I'm a mess right now. Can't calm down
I have depression and anxiety also. Seeing a therapist will help you very much. Maybe he or she can recommend a support group.Are you on meds? They may help a lot. There are meds for anxiety, panic and depression.
I am on meds for depression and anxiety and OCD.