I always thought that all adult AMN patients have some demyelination in the brain not just the people with the devastating cerebral version.
Am I wrong?
I always thought that all adult AMN patients have some demyelination in the brain not just the people with the devastating cerebral version.
Am I wrong?
I have some brain lesions. I have a loes score of 4. I have arrested cerebral ALD and AMN. I was misdiagnosed with Autism and ADHD when I was a young kid.
I don't believe it's correct to say that all AMN patients have brain lesions. I have had AMN for over 30 years and have never been told I have lesions.
My last MRI 4 years ago was unremarkable. Which is an insulting way to say normal. LOL
I am 59m and was diagnosed in 1995.
That is so funny and so true! I felt so insulted when I had read that in my past MRIs. However, the remarkable is changing as its slowly progressing.