When I have been writing to you, I have been considering everyone suffers like me. Then it got me thinking, maybe people don;t suffer as badly as me, so what I say is actually wasted on them. Here is a rundown of my problems and I am interested if you are same, worse or better..
Super heavy legs, feet stuck to the floor, walking resembles an inverse moonwalk, no toes left on my shoes. I went from one stick, to two sticks, to two crutches, to wheelchair over 7 years.
Spasms from buttock down, including thigh, knee, calf, and ankle.
Can;t wiggle toes.
Peeing at least 20 times a day if unmedicated.
Pain in feet, knees and buttock. Whole leg really.
Unresponsive legs when sitting or lying down.
Feeling nauseous, never vomit,
Can;t drink alcohol.
Brain fog.
Falling over. Walking on grass or sand is out of the question. Can;t run or jump
There are more, but these are the worst and what come to mind right now.