Anyone recommend taking this for afib and ectopics?
Magnesium Taurate: Anyone recommend... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Magnesium Taurate
Recommended by Dr Sanjay Gupta of York Cardiology.
My consultant called him a ‘Maverick’ !!
Jealousy? He is brilliant and his videos have help many cope.
Gupta relieves that afib and stroke are not related 🤔
No, he doesn’t.
Gupta: “Why I don't believe that AFib causes strokes” YouTube
May I suggest you look at the whole explanation in his video instead of only reading and quoting the title? Gupta says: ‘stroke is caused by AF and the company it keeps, such as old age, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, previous heart attack, etc… ‘ .The CHAD2-VASC guideline is even based on this ‘company’.
The logic of Gupta's video seems to be that the entire population over age 75, and a large proportion of those aged over 65 should be prescribed anticoagulants.
Good morning
Thank you for your post on Atrial Fibrillation support forum.
Before taking any other supplements it would be best to speak to a medical professional to see what they would advise.
Kind regards
I have tried repeatedly, and in my experience very few medical professionals have an opinion about specific supplements; they tend to be either negative ("it's all snake oil") or generic ("you could try vitamins" without saying which ones). I'm wondering if I'd get more joy from a practitioner of functional medicine.
A middle-aged woman (like myself) told me that her cardiologist said there is one supplement recommended for menopause that is "the last thing you want" with AFib, but she can't remember what it is.
Hi Claredon.
From a personal point of view 100% yes. Magnesium is very important for heart health - 800mg a day is an ideal amount.
However, when you first take it make sure you are near a loo! I would also suggest taking half in the morning and half later in the day - 800mg in one dose is too high and is likely to give you diarrhea. Your body will let you know if you take too much. I used to take mine after food as this slows down the absorption rate and is less likely to send you to the loo.
Having spent much of the last 6 months in hospital my 'bloods' showed my magnesium level was VERY low. I am now on around 1000mg a day without problems but I do spread this over the day.
I don't know what your budget is as they are quite expensive but I highly recommend Ensure drinks. Each drink contains 300mg magnesium plus all the vitamins and minerals you require. Two a day would pretty much give all your daily target of magnesium - check with your medic. I take them and find them to be very effective - they taste good too.
Hi Clarendon55,
I just copied information on Magnesium taurate from a list of all the forms of magnesium and their pros and cons.
"Magnesium taurate is the best choice of magnesium supplement for people with cardiovascular issues, since it is known to prevent arrhythmias and guard the heart from damage caused by heart attacks. Magnesium taurate is easily absorbed (magnesium and taurine stabilize cell membranes together), and it contains no laxative properties."
I take 325mg mag taurate daily because of my paroxysmal AF, as well as another form to help stop leg cramps. It has not "prevented" my AF, maybe I need more but haven't had tests done to determine that!
I take 600 mg of magnesium taurate dialy since 4 years. No problems or side effects. It helps keeping AF at bay, most of the time.
I'm taking osteocare (calcium, magnesium, zinc) mainly because I had leg cramps at night and calcium suppl. seemed like a good idea. Hasn't stopped ectopics but I haven't gone back into AF since my cardioversion.
I tried it for a few months earlier this year when I was getting a lot of ectopics but it didn't seem to have any beneficial effect. In fact the ectopics got worse though I wouldn't attribute that to the magnesium taurate. I had no evidence that I had a deficiency in magnesium to begin with so I was just taking it to see if it might make an impact. Ironically it was the re-emergence of an episode of Afib, first for many months, that helped with the ectopics, as when I went back into NSR the intensity of ectopics had reduced dramatically and thankfully has stayed that way.
I take Magnesium Taurate .whether it helped or not I don't know.I stopped taking it after a recent op 7 weeks ago & just restarting itThe important thing is you look at the elemental magnesium in what you buy.The one I use is Ethical Nutrition.2 capsules give 1720 mg of Magnesium Taurate & 150mg elemental magnesium.It may seem expensive but some cheaper ones will not have as much Elemental Magnesium.& a very personal service.If you get a subscription it is cheaper.I get 2 months supply every 2 months to save on postage .You can suspend if you need to.I think you can get a discount on first order online.
I asked Arrythmia Nurses before starting them.
It’s safe and worth trying. No studies show it helps at all, but even a placebo effect is worthwhile.
I take 500mg a day, plus I am on a Keto diet (see another post), and after years of PVCS and occasional short-term Afib, I am almost always now in Normal Sinus Rythem. I did a lot of research on using Mag. I can not prove it was what helped. I also, when traveling or standing at airports, often get foot cramps that night. I use a MAG jel that wonderfully relieves cramps in about 5 minutes after applied.
Just had annual cardiologist check up and thankfully everything is normal, strong pulse in all the places should be (feet, neck arteries etc).
For maybe 10 years had almost always had PVCs but nothing mechanically wrong with heart. But in the last few months, I have almost gone, maybe 90% of the time in NSR. Am age 78 soon. I asked the Dr if I should be good for another 20 years. He replied, just be careful crossing streets and not be hit by a car!!
I take this one. It made a massive difference to my ectopics. I still get them but not so frequent or troublesome.
I take 800 mg of Taurate a day. It helps calm the heart and has helped me considerably with ectopics. In my experience most doctors do not believe in supplements, at least any cardiologists, eps or heart surgeons that I’ve dealt with. Just my opinion.
I’ve taken daily Magnesium Taurate (600mg) for about 18 months. EP & GP both proactively made the suggestion to alleviate benign ectopics. Both said no research available but anecdotal feedback from patients was positive. Everyone is different, but I felt I had nothing to lose by trying. It has made a massive difference to my ectopics - I’d say around an 80% reduction.
My go-to for magnesium is roasted pumpkin seeds. That's because a supplement is too much for my lower GI. I was just talking to my husband about how specific a dose I can take. It can be 30 seeds or 3 and a half if I want! 😀
Is just a few enough? I'm also taking them for leg cramps at night and I notice a difference right away.
From personal experience only, I feel that taking mag taurate did for a number of months help to reduce my ectopics (though not a cure by any stretch of the imagination). I do not think it has or had any positive or negative effects on the freq or intensity of my AFib episodes. Talk to health professionals about proper dosage for your size, health, age etc... seems that mag taurate has a pretty safe profile overall though.
Wishing you a stable heart