Hi everyone. I am new here and have been suffering for a while now with ectopic beats so bad that I thought I was having a heart attack and went to A and E. Long story short, I am waiting for a halter monitor from GP and discovered Dr Sanjay Gupta’s very informative videos. I ordered the Magnesium Taurate from Amazon which arrived today and so this is my first day on them and I am hoping they will help with my ectopic beats. I will update when I know if these are working for me. I was wondering however if they get better if the halter monitor will still pick up the ectopics.
Ectopic Beats and Magnesium Taurate - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ectopic Beats and Magnesium Taurate
Hi ,I suffer from A/f and now I think I have ectopic beats as well,had a moniter for a week,and it never showed anything,so dr still didn’t know,he put down may be cardiac related or may not,so I still none the wiser.hope you get on better,and wish you well
I hope it works audrey25.
Ectopic beats show up on a Kardia and ECG very clearly. You can have either atria or ventricle ectopics. They aren’t a problem unless you start having multiples ones and a lot of them ie more than 2000 a day at which point I certainly felt pretty rubbish. The doctors will tell you they are benign, which they may be, but they can feel disturbing.
Slow breathing techniques also help a lot.
Hi CDreamer
Yes I feel rubbish most days and all day feel my beats. Makes me not want to do anything or go anywhere, I feel like someone is trying to steal my breath away. Also I sometimes get tunnel vision say if I am walking around the shops or anywhere really. Could be that I am getting more unfitter with not feeling too good and exhausted all the time.
Hi I was having quite bad eptopics after my ablation in May, about 2 months ago I started taking magnesium turate and I have to admit my eptopics have almost disappeared, so whether it's in the all in the mind or not it works for me and I will keep taking them.
Hi Brizzy I am hoping I will see an improvement with magnesium taurate. Already this morning I am not feeling them quite so bad as yesterday. Fingers crossed it works.
Last week I was having spinal surgery with a GA but the ECG picked up that I was having lots of ectopics, so they wouldn't do the GA, as they said that I was at a high risk for a heart attack. I haven't been back to my EP with them, as I thought that they were just a discomfort but now I am not so sure.
If they get better, then an ECG won't pick up something that isn't happening.
Lots of people with ectopic beats walk around not knowing they have them because they can’t feel them. Those of us who can feel them it is awful for us so surely unless you are cured of them they will still be there. Doesn’t magnesium ease the feeling of the beats or have I got it wrong. I don’t think they cure them per se but I could be wrong.
Hi, I've had ectopics for around 10 months (1600 per 24 hours picked up on a halter) and initially symptoms were much more noticeable, fluttering in chest, more noticeable in bed, etc. I started on the same Mag Taurate around 6 months ago (no side effects) and very gradually symptoms have all but disappeared. I imagine that I'm likely to still having ectopics (hopefully reduced amounts) and have felt some missed beats when checking my pulse. However, I believe it's all about management of symptoms, in that we are told ectopics are very much benign even in quite high numbers.
To be quite honest, most hospital Holter monitors seem to be useless, probably due to overuse. I've worn them on several occasions and they missed obvious AF even when I pressed the button, so I got my own ECG and submit those to my EP with times and dates by email. There are lots of brands, from SnapECG at £50 up to some at thousands.
I was taking magnesium citrate for a couple of months which did make a difference initially with my palpitations to a point where they almost stopped. But they've come back again. I started taking taurate yesterday. Took one yesterday evening and one this morning. I've noticed a reduction in my palpitations today so hoping this will help. Fingers crossed.
Me too, I have already noticed a reduction. Fingers crossed for both of us.

So I'm seeing a definite improvement with taking taurate. I only had a handful of palpitations on Friday and even had a few pints on Friday evening, the first time in a few months. Today (Saturday), I only had one palpitation. I'm super excited that this may keep them at bay for me.
I am a little despondent. I have been taking the Mg Taurate since Monday and at first I thought they were working but I am still feeling them but not quite so many. How long do you take them before you see a noticeable difference, I take the ones recommended by Dr Sanjay Gupta 2 a day. I had high hopes for these so hope they work soon. Is it a case of getting the magnesium in your system or should they work straight away. I also take Slozem which is a calcium Chanel blocker for HBP. Hopefully getting my monitor soon to do a 24 hour test.

I don't know, I'm no expert. The ones I ordered were Biocare Magnesium Taurate 60 Vegi Caps from Amazon and take one in the morning with breakfast and one in the evening with my tea. I was taking magnesium citrate twice daily before I switched to the taurate so may be it takes a while for the magnesium to build up in your system. Like noviceAFIB said, everyone is different.
Everyone is different so you may wish to try different dosages to find the optimal dosage for yourself; hope Magnesium Taurate works for you & feel better soon
Has anyone compared magnesium taurate to magnesium glycinate?
I've often heard that the choice between different forms of magnesium revolves around two factors; how well it's absorbed and whether it causes diarrhea or not. Are there any other key factors?
Interesting thought. I am going to persevere with them. They cost so much so hope I can make them work. I will research and see if I should take 3 a day maybe. I’ll see how much milligrams to take per day and alter it accordingly.
Uodate. I now take mag taurate 3 a day, still waiting for halter monitor but ectopic are not felt as much but still having some funny turns when out walking. Overall feeling better and more positive.

how are you feeling now?
Thanks for asking. This week I have not felt any ventricular ectopic. I had my halter monitor last week which showed up the ventricular ectopic and an ECG the same diagnosis. I was getting th constant feelings of them so decided to change up my magnesium. I take 2 Magnesium glycinate 200mg total in the morning with my slozem blood pressure pill. Then in the evening around tea time I take one Magnesium Taurate 125 mg so in total I am getting 325 mg of magnesium per day and feeling on top of the world. Perhaps it has taken this long to get into my system. I also have started taking something which I used to take when I lived in New Zealand called DE (Diatomaceous Earth) which essentially is an ancient mineral full of good things, which I used to take for bowel problems and to lower my cholesterol which it did, so as my cholesterol is slightly elevated I decided to take this as well so whether it be the magnesium or the combination of all I am feeling really great and my funny turns have also ceased. I really really feel that I am winning this battle. Fingers crossed 🤞!

Taurate still working in scared tinrake supplements of the internet
Yes Magnesium Glycinate I am taking now only 2 in the morning as these are more cost effective. I got them online in the white and green pack called Your Supplements. I have ceased taking Mag Taurate as I am not feeling ectopics anymore and although they are probably still there I am not aware of them.

So the Taurate cured you? I can’t find it here in Australia and am scared to take it as I’ve heard mixed thing. I took magnesium glycinate for three days and after each pill I got a horrific headache. I’ll try anything please I’ve had this on and off for 4 years live a super stressful and emotional life and have hypothyroidism am on meds so it’s stable. Plus I’m always dizzy
Magnesium Taurate is available on iHerb.au . I have purchased KAL and Cardiovascular Research magnesium taurate from them in Australia.
Why magnesium is so good for you
Did it heal them?
Heal is probably the wrong word but it made all palpitations not noticeable , so if I am still having ectopics I am not aware of them.
I would not stop taking Magnesium Taurate now as it has been such a noticeable difference - a bit like Flecainide , you know it works as nothing is happening !
I was too scared to take flecinide. I tried magnesium glycinate but horrendous headaches everytime i took a pill. I just don't want to feel them!
I havent had any bad side effects from Magnesium supplements , thou I stay clear of taking them in the evening as they give me insomnia .
Not all Magnesium supplements are equal some have far too much calcium or magnesium oxide which are just fillers.
If you listen to Dr Sanjay Gupta he gives what brands he recommends , unfortunately here in Australia the only way to purchase these brands is online, I understand you feel wary about doing this but if you stay with reputable sellers on Amazon or iHerb your as safe as buying from Chemist Warehouse over the net (IMO).
Do you take any medication for AFIB ?
I dont have afib . What is afib
I agree they will never be healed or cured as such but not noticeable is great to live with.

Why cant they heal? Also how many ectopocs did you get in 24 hrs?
They are very common most people have them and don’t even know. I had lots of ectopics every few minutes but since taking Mag Taurate they disappeared although they are still showing up on monitors and with the pulse and listening with a stethoscope I am not aware of them. The more you stress the worse you will be. You must find an outlet for stress that calms you down. Mindfulness and meditation may help. Get a hobby, listen to calming music etc.

I want to try them but terrified as its online. I jumo to see my electrophysiologist every tine and she said i get less than 9 ectopics a day and that no need for concern. Monitor only picked that many up. I fear it will turn into afib which im assuming is no a steady rythum? My sister. eats me taunts me and abuses me daily. I think i have hypothyroidism why do i have to feel them i just dont wanr to feel them.

What was it that helped you not feel them anymore and how long were you on magnesium to feel the benifits. i have gone from glycinate to citrate and am on day 5.
Hi, I used the Cardiovascular Research Mangesium Taurate 125mg twice a day to start with which really helped ease them a lot. I also used Your Supplements Magnesium Glycinate when they were at their worst I used both but now (as the Taurate is very expensive) I am maintaining them on the Glycinate and all seems ok I just take 2 125mg in the morning. I have felt one or two recently which hasn’t bothered me much but if they do come back I will get the Taurate again which really helped in the beginning.
I will always take the Glycinate every day as maintenance as they are more affordable. I did try leaving them off altogether but I started to feel them slightly again so decided it would be a long term thing for me, the Glycinate are quite affordable and worth it for me to keep them at bay. Good luck with yours.
Omg no way,,, what healed them
They are not healed as such they are still there I am just not aware of them. I listened to videos from Dr Sanjay Gupta and that helped enormously for me. Google him either you tube or York cardiology. Always consult your Dr before taking them. Mine said if they help me then use them. Good luck hope you soon feel more positive

This is going to sound silly but... if you're looking for Gupta medical videos make sure you get the right Gupta. There's an American neurosurgeon, Sanjay Gupta who's very famous in the US. He has frequent television shows. You want the Brit one who's a cardiologist.
My guess is that the cardiologist started making videos because he felt lost in the shadow of the American doctor.
Yes he is the York cardiology one here in the UK.
I’ve read and watched all his videos but I just don’t want to feel them, I can’t find taurare is that better than glycinate I’m scared pls help
Here they are in Australia

Im scared to buy online. Hope that are ok. Did your feel like Pauses thunps whem i lay on my back feel like a short burst of like my hearts just farted so scary
Yes ectopics for me was skipping beats then large thuds constantly feeling them. I am not sure what advice you need. Perhaps if you are afraid to buy them online ask your doctor to prescribe them for you. If he or she won’t prescribe then you have to decide to live with it or try a remedy, First and foremost go back to your GP. I am not qualified to advise you to take this or that, all I can say is what worked for me In Particular. I don’t get the feelings but still have ectopics. I live with this as I don’t feel them. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

Last week they were 20% off and only need US$40 (A$57 ) to get free freight, I generally receive the parcel within 7 days some even in 3 days ( I think thats because its not going through Tullamarine, just comes direct to Perth ) price is GST inclusive.
Mag Taurate was my first choice the one he recommended. Got it from Amazon. Glycinate us the one I take now as a maintenance thing. Dont be scared. My doc says lots of people have them and don't even know. Go back to your doctor and voice your concerns to get some reassurance and maybe some tests done.

Ive had all the trsts holters echos ecg and structure normal i just hate it as i am dizzy as it is and have health anxiety from it i sit around with my hand on my neck

Do you (or anyone else) find any difference in results between taurate and glycinate?
I use 600 mg of glycinate having just continued with it from when a neurologist recommended it when I used to get migraines when I was much heavier.
I used Taurate first listening to Dr Gupta as I was so bad. They are expensive so I decided to try glycinate when it was time to buy more. Here in the UK the recommended dose is 400 mg I believe but I take 2 glycinate 125mg each morning only now. Keeps them at bay of feeling them,

Oops! Just realized that I asked that here eight months ago. Not wanting to be redundant but it still would be good to know...
I think Taurate work quicker and better. If they come back with a vengeance I would buy more Taurate but for now I am doing just as well on glycinate.
At least at Vitamin Shoppe in the US the two forms are about the same price. I'll try some Taurate next time I place an online order with them or go into one of their stores.
Don't know if they ship to Australia. Also, sometimes their prices are considerably higher than Amazon's though they will usually price match.
I’m in the UK I was advising Contra where to find them in Australia. I find Amazon or EBay the best place here to buy them. I am sure you may benefit from Taurate. Ectopics are horrid aren’t they. At least I am not feeling them anymore. Good luck with them when you buy them. BTW 600mg seems an awful lot. I think Dr Sanjay Gupta recommends 400mg max I believe. Perhaps you were using them for something else.

Hope have you been getting, still ok with ectopics?
I am real interested to find out how the magnesium taurate is working for you. I am taking magnesium bus-glycinate. 200 mg in the morning and 200 mg in the evening.
If you have been diagnosed with any sort of arrhythmia and experienced serious events I would be pressing for referral to Cardiology and seeking an implanted ECG device commonly referred to as an ILR implanted loop recorder. There are NICE guidelines to increase uptake of these devices in order to reduce stroke deaths by 6500.