DON’T BE CAVALIER AFTER JABS - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Peileen profile image
43 Replies

I had my booster on Friday, pfizer following 2 Astrazenicas earlier in the year. So I am hoping the mix and match technique may have increased protection. The Covid vaccines aren’t like the Polio or TB etc where one is enough and that’s it. Covid 19 has the proven power to mutate and develop new strains so vaccines are limited in what they can achieve. I have PAFib and other health issues going on and have experienced the realities of Post Viral Fatigue years ago which never really goes away and so am fearful of long Covid as well as the possibility of not even surviving,

A friend who was given the booster early because of his job, went to a weekend reunion in Edinburgh three weeks after getting it. He thought he would be all right and there were no restrictions. Unfortunately he caught Covid and has been ill for the past two weeks. Also, every single one of the 40 people taking part in the reunion has tested positive. Thankfully, due to double vaccination nobody is seriously ill. This in itself shows the powerful ability this virus has to infect.

I am restricting myself still to zooms and masked up and well wrapped up go occasionally outside for a chat in a friend’s garden.

Vaccines to be effective in the community require sensible behaviour as well. Vaccines, masks/face coverings, distance, hand washing. And a great pity that according to the vaccinator I spoke to as well as charts I read, the most active participants in society are not coming forward to take the vaccines they are offered.

Stay as safe as you can.

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Peileen profile image
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43 Replies
BobD profile image

Totally agree. Having played skittles last Monday and appaled by the cavalier behaviour of those there I will be withdrawing from the team till Covid is better controlled.

Contra21 profile image
Contra21 in reply toBobD

Here I am afraid to get vaccinated feeding ill get wise ectopics out trigger then to stay. I Akzo read a non mrna vaccine is coming out. I'm scared. Alone. Confused.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply toContra21

Sorry I can't do anything about your fear but please try to overcome it. Not sure what you have against mrna as it is merely a delivery system for the vaccine and doesn't change you in any way. Better a few days feeling ill than a long time much worse. It really isn't going to suddenly disappear.

Contra21 profile image
Contra21 in reply toBobD

More so scared if ectopics get worse

CDreamer profile image

Well said.

irene75359 profile image

Being ultra-careful has become a way of life for me. I am dismayed at how some have shrugged off the restrictions in place to keep us all safe. I have friends in Europe who are surprised at the behaviour here in the UK, to put it mildly.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply toirene75359

I read an article recently in the Guardian about how European governments in general were appalled at how the uk government is managing the situation re covid. It might not be long before Brits are no longer welcome in Europe because of the high infection rates. I believe Morocco has banned flights from the UK.

Visitingcat profile image

We are booked for York mid November, usually go every year for birthday, was upset but secretly relieved to have to miss it last year, a big birthday. This year’s booking comes right on the dates our boosters are due.

The biggest pleasure for us in York is the lovely pubs and Old Peculiar by Theakstons if we can get it, mostly unavailable around my area.

We usually stay on the outskirts and go in on the park and ride buses ( we know how to live, lol )

I have a feeling we will be cancelling this year too if it gets much worse : (

KentAndrew profile image

I was recently diagnosed with permanent asymptomatic AFib and was prescribed daily Apixaban and Bisoprolol. If I concentrate I can feel my irregular heart beats and the occasional twinge.

I am due to have an electro Cardioversion this week.

Thank you everyone, I am finding this forum very valuable for advice and reassurance. 👍🏻

Visitingcat profile image
Visitingcat in reply toKentAndrew

Good luck with your cardioversion this week, my first one lasted for nearly five years with odd breakthrough episodes towards the end of that time.I hope yours does as well for you.

Ppiman profile image

We still can't book online so we are going to try a walk-in centre on Wednesday if our invitation doesn't come through. I've become quite distrusting of the silly government claims about just needing arms to inject, I'm afraid. We'll see.

A friend caught covid from her son recently; he'd been with his girlfriend to a Suffolk pop festival where most who attended apparently tested positive. She had what she thought was a simple cold for three days but did carry out the test, which was negative. On the fourth day, however, the cold worsened and she tested positive. By day six she felt and looked (from a distance!) quite poorly, but then recovered quickly and well.

She's now fine and her husband never did catch it. She explained later that anxiety was one of the worst effects - the fear of where it might lead. I wouldn't want to go through that but judging by the way people are generally behaving, few care. I was even told in a shop in Holt last week that I could take my mask off!


Visitingcat profile image
Visitingcat in reply toPpiman

Hi Steve Is your booster due? I tried to book on line early because re my above post ours are due right when we want to go away but it said we weren’t eligible, only what I was expecting really.

If mine were due and I couldn’t book online I’d defo try a walk in center.

Hope you get sorted : )

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toVisitingcat

Hi VC. It's six months this week so my wife thinks we'll get the invitation this week. I'm the impatient one. The effects of the booster seem to be excellent, thank goodness. Around where we live the general attitude to covid is cavalier. I hate it!


Visitingcat profile image
Visitingcat in reply toPpiman

Weird isn’t it, it’s as though they think it’s gone away. I found the whole freedom day thing felt like “do what you like and if you get it it’s your fault” it does not feel like freedom to me. We’ve been for a Couple of meals in the dining type pubs and try to go around 3 o’clock ish when it’s a bit quieter and never fri, sat or sun.

I wish they had at least kept the masks, I couldn’t go in a shop without one even though they make me breathless, have ordered some mask frames to see if they help.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toVisitingcat

You sound similar to us. We were in Norfolk last week on holiday and I felt a bit uncomfortable eating out, which was a shame but we chose where we sat carefully. The lack of social distancing and masks riles me. Like you, they make me feel very uncomfortable and "edgy" but it's got to be.

I've come to dislike the government over their whole approach as it seems to me to have encouraged non-compliance and given a sense of bravado to those who don't care leaving those of us who do with a slight feeling of belittlement.


Visitingcat profile image
Visitingcat in reply toPpiman

You are so right, that is word for word exactly how I feel.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toVisitingcat

There’s something about society more than ever these days, the split between the “hard” and what I would call the sensible.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply toPpiman

People are practically putting themselves in a bubble to protect themselves from the virus and yet still contract the virus?

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tobelindalore

Airborne viruses have long been seen as a near impossible threat to deal with. Of the people I know who contracted covid, they all know more or less where and how they caught it. I gather, too, that a large proportion of covid has been transmitted in health care settings - either in hospital, in a care home or from visiting care people. I read that in one NHS district 40% of cases were transmitted in hospital.

In the UK at present, judging from a recent government report, it seems that many of those with serious covid are unvaccinated and pregnant women - a terrible tragedy if ever there was one and one that makes the lives of the doctors and nurses caring for them extraordinarily difficult physically and emotionally.

I don't know how we can go forward without vaccination being a major part of the answer and even with that, we are struggling and still losing more people to the disease than other countries.

A cavalier attitude doesn't seem to me to be at all useful and takes away the freedom of many other people; but, as you say, putting ourselves in a bubble isn't a complete answer either.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply toPpiman

Many people in the USA who have contracted covid have no idea where they got it. Maybe because they travel outside their homes more than people in other countries? Also many have contracted the virus after being fully vaccinated. There is still too much unknown about the virus and the vaccines. Why do you think they have the sites for people to report their side effects? Because the experts don't know what possible side effects the vaccines will cause. These are experimental vaccines. It's not like the vaccines that have been around for decades for measles or polio or others. Side effects of being vaccinated for those illnesses are pretty much set in stone. Not for these new "vaccines". People are having terrible side effects from these vaccines. Before you talk about a cavalier attitude, think about those who were perfectly healthy and got the shots and died. It's much more of a risk taking these vaccines than getting a vaccine for the measles.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tobelindalore

The cavalier attitude is real enough, terrible in fact, locally, given that some of those people acting as if life is normal will be infecting others with a disease they don't even know they are carrying, a disease that might maim or even kill them.

I have no time for anti-vaxxers, I'm afraid. They are risking their lives, putting massive physical and emotional stress on our good doctors and nurses and putting our health system under terrible strain. My daughter-in-law is a nurse and I know from her and others what havoc this disease is causing.

I accept your fears and understand your concerns about the vaccine, but from my viewpoint, the science is excellent, and the vaccine seems as safe as can be. I know of no one who has had a severe reaction personally and have read lots of posts that have been proven to be faked.


kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply toPpiman

Hi my husband got his invitation 3 days after his due date .It offered mini mass vaccine centre organised by a pharmacy.I kept checking when mine was due about a week later.I picked the same centre the day after his but attended with him & they did us both together.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tokkatz

Thanks for that. I'm hoping our invitations come through this week as I still can't book online.

kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply toPpiman

Just keep checking by searching on line book my booster.I was able to book pre invitation .20th October previous was 17th April.Within a couple of of days I had doctor send me a link .Irony of it was I really didn't want it before my hols and hoped when I went in to availability Next day availability

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tokkatz

I’m thinking that without a postal invitation there’s no way to book online.


kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply toPpiman

Search for book or manage a booster dose of the COVID 19 vaccine.I just kept checking on that.It worked for me.3 days after the6 month anniversary of the second jab.I had heard on the TV that anyone can over 50 can self book a week after the anniversary.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tokkatz

I will and I'll let you know. Thanks!


Thomas45 profile image
Thomas45 in reply toPpiman

If your local doctors are Holt Medical Centre, their website says they're starting on November 1st.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toThomas45

Thanks for that. We were only on holiday in Holt last week. What a lovely part of the UK it is.


Thomas45 profile image

My GPs' website say they'll be starting soon with the boosters. I only go out for medical appointments, which in the last week have been for a 'flu jab, plus face to face appointments with an orthotist and a physiotherapist. I travel by bus to some appointments as I am no longer able to use my right foot due to a nerve injury. I always wear a mask on the bus and take hand sanitizer with me.I buy all food online.

Goosebumps profile image

Here is how I see it.

We are all going to get COVID, even if we have had the jabs and practice social distancing.


You have a great immune system or respond perfectly to the jabs

You get a booster every 6 months that works perfectly for you

You self isolate and never meet anybody

You have already had COVID, maybe without even knowing it

Herd immunity actually works eventually

I got Covid after two jabs, no idea who from, everyone I had close contact with tested negative. Must have been a shopping trip, but mask worn at all times.

It’s easier to catch than a beach ball on a windless day.

2 weeks of feeling crap before I got over it but I’m still here and breathing so I’m not complaining.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply toGoosebumps

I worry that we will all get it, too; but it’s how badly we get it that counts. Two vaccine doses work on most people to keep them alive and safe. A third holds the hope of much better prevention of transmission and infection (but not yet proven).

I especially worry about my brother, too, who has convinced his family (either through his conspiracist attitude or his genes 🙄) that vaccination is a waste of time and a direct risk to their health.

We do need these vaccines and I am so very grateful to the wonderful scientists whose work we are reaping the benefits of.


Niki_ profile image

Everyone’s body is different.. but I find it so strange that this friend you speak of had the COVID jabs and boosters and caught COVID…I had a light case of covid 15 months ago and I took care of my mother last month who was quite sick and my brother who had to be in the hospital with covid for 3 days both of them are fully vaxed yet I didn’t get sick at all neither did my husband who has never had covid.. I was within inches of them for days on end and I never wore a mask… me and my husband and children never got sick… I’m not a isolated incident...I fully support your right to get 20 covid jabs if you feel that’s what’s right for your life.. but considering so many are falling sick after all these jabs and I know many who are not with just their immune systems it definitely makes a case for choice! idk food for thought.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply toNiki_

Seems strange that you and your family didn't get covid. I feel there is still too much unknown about this virus. And the vaccines. Take care. Be safe. Glad you and your family did not get the virus.

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply tobelindalore

Thank you.. I have read some interesting things about blood type possibly playing a role.. I have no idea if that’s the case but I’m ( O-negative )

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tobelindalore

I’ve read so much about viruses since this disease took hold and even more about heart arrhythmias! On both counts I’m amazed how much more we have to learn but I’m in awe at the scientists and their knowledge - and dedication.

It’s a thought, too, that most of us here would welcome a procedure called an ablation, even though it’s a vastly riskier procedure than being vaccinated against covid and one about which much less is known.


in reply toNiki_

If we want to be honest, jabbed people are posing more threat to non-jabbed than the other way round. In their blood, there is spike-protein, which was injected with the vaccine, which can multiply in their bodies and, as far as I know, can be transmitted to others... This component is responsible for blood clotting, uncontrolled bleeding and the rest of problems.

After having closely followed the results of a vaccination since the beginning, I have realized that people have bad reaction as a rule, it is only the question when are they going to have enough. My cousin received two jabs and is with her Creator now. Some people have gone after the first one... If you receive 2+booster without ill effects, it means that, in the beginning, you have been of a very good health. The very best ones may need 7-8 shots to achieve the goal, but it will be achieved, for sure. May God help us all...

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply to

Agreed 🙏🏼

belindalore profile image

You really don't know what goes on in the USA do you?

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tobelindalore

It was tongue in cheek, really. But I know two Americans very well and two Canadians. I don't hear the same from them it is true, not at all in fact, but I assume these things are local? I certainly don't doubt your experiences.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply toPpiman

You know two Americans and two Canadians. Not a very broad range of opinions. I've never said I'm anti vaccines either. I've heard and read about many adverse reactions to the vaccines and none were fake. Saying something like that seems cruel for those who have had serious complications from the vaccines.

Take care.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply tobelindalore

I know a lot of people who have family in the US, too, of course, but, yes, my knowledge of your country and its peoples is limited. Mind you, my direct knowledge of the UK is, too, but I read and discuss widely and deeply and from a balance of sources.

But look, be fair about being “cruel”. One can only generalise about any state of affairs in the knowledge that there will always be specific individuals who have had problems with this vaccine. But the evidence is clear that the vast majority haven’t. I’m not aware of a single successful legal case made to prove otherwise, and I’d have thought from the land of the litigious, that would have happened by now.

So, nothing is “cruel” in that generalised context, surely? On a related issue, today I have read that, in the UK, three quarters of people have either been mistaken or have lied about their having long covid. Three out of four people!


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply toPpiman

My knowledge of the UK is limited also as it is of other counties. I believe any news reported about other countries is limited and sometimes biased. I've never heard of anyone lying about having long covid. But that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. It means it hasn't been reported in the news. That's a big problem here in the USA. The media has become too biased and instead of reporting both sides of a story they report only one side and then give their personal opinions. The media's job is only to report the facts, which they don't do a verygood job of here in the USA, not

to give their personal opinions. That's why there is so much confusion and disinformation. It comes from the media. Everyone wants answers. The correct answer. And people aren't getting those answers. The world has changed. There's too much not being reported about the virus. Because of bad politics and the media here.

We in the U.S. keep asking why it's okay for the elite to host their big parties and no one there wears a mask. For example, ex President Barack Obama hosted a huge birthday party for himself. Celebrities traveled from everywhere to attend. And yet he tells the rest of us to mask up and self distance. Why is it okay for him and all these others to break the rules?? We never have gotten an answer.

Do take care and be safe.

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