Recovering from COVID: Both my husband... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Recovering from COVID

CDreamer profile image
30 Replies

Both my husband and I contracted COVID after nearly 2 years of being really, really careful and no arrythmias. Inevitably it put me into AF and PVC’s - on my 3rd bout this morning. The first 2 only lasted about 3-6 hours but were very symptomatic with near syncope if I try an upright position.

The irony is that my husband was due his 3rd vaccine on the day he tested positive.

Whilst neither of us have required medical attention, I have been monitored remotely by a GP support team. Although not considered ill because most of the time my numbers have been marginal at worst and acceptable most of the time, I have felt SO ill and had just about every symptom known.

COVID is out there and it is so easy to pick despite being really, really careful. It seems though that despite having no antibodies my immune system has been strong enough to fight it so the vaccines must have give me some defence. I’m now on a trial to investigate if COVID has given me antibodies.

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CDreamer profile image
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30 Replies
rosyG profile image

Hope you feel much better soon CD. Good to hear vaccine worked welll.

Kaz747 profile image

Sorry to hear this CD - I hope you are both feeling better soon. Which vaccine did you have?

They do say the vaccines help prevent serious illness and hospitalisation (hopefully) but I know we don't want to have to put that to the test :).

Keep resting and stay in touch xx

etheral profile image

So sorry to hear this. Monoclonal antibodies are being used extensively in the states for Covid19 cases that are symptomatic but don't require hospitalization. My daughter in law who contracted covid while 3 mos pregnant recieved this treatment and gave birth today to a healthy girl. It may be worthwhile to discuss this treatment with your consultant. Wishing you and your husband a speedy and uneventful recovery. etheral

Singwell profile image

Gosh. Timely reminder. Good that you're riding it but very sorry you're going through it.

Fastbeat profile image

Do hope you both recover fully very soon.

baba profile image

Sorry to hear this. I hope you both feel better soon.

BobD profile image

Glad you are back with us again CD and that things are improving. I hope OH is similar? You are quite right, Covid is still very much out there and locally the boss of the engineering company I use is currently down with it. I haven't seen him for over a week so hopefully I am clear but it show we really must not let our guards down.

Tako2009 profile image

Hi CDreamer. Hoping you are feeling better soon. I had Covid back last November and it kicked off my AF big-time - I generally have only rare, usually low intensity episodes but like you I was really symptomatic which together with the high temperature and other symptoms made it a horrible experience I don’t want to repeat. But it did eventually calm down after about 10 days and you do still need to take it easy for some time after that as the fatigue stays with you a while longer - my hair fell out in clumps for about 6 months and ‘g

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Tako2009

Feeling very weak. I’m on day 12 so symptoms are lessening. Hoping not to lose hair although that happened to my sister in 1st wave.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Sorry to hear this CD, I'd noticed that you'd been quiet on forum lately. Have you any idea where you may have caught it?

It will be interesting to hear if Covid has now given you antibodies. Did you have the vaccine, only I'm just wondering how the test will show whether it was that or your recent infection that has given you them.


CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to jeanjeannie50

The anti bodies from the vaccine are completely different to those from COVID so different test. I already have 3 negatives for the vaccine antibody, despite double vacced.

Husband went to family wedding in Ireland & picked it up somewhere along the way.

Thought you had been quiet recently! Good to hear that you are both on the road to recovery and hopefully that you will generate the antibodies which I know are important to you. Given how careful you have both been, it just shows how vulnerable we all are now that so many are behaving as though its all over. Best wishes to you both……

PSkidmore profile image

So glad you posted this. My gosh. I thought this thing was almost over. Now I see it’s absolutely not and some people are really sick with it. Best wishes for a speedy recovery !

wilsond profile image

Oh dear what bad luck and ironic ref 3rd dose.I hope you both recover asap.

Best wishes xx

Angie06 profile image

What bad luck after being so careful for all this time. Really hope you both start feeling better soon, and make a full recovery without any of this horrible long covid thing. Sending hugs to you both. 🥰

meadfoot profile image

Hope you and your husband are back on track very soon. Take care. X

doodle68 profile image

Hi CD 🙂 I am sorry to hear you contracted this horrible virus. It seems to be more prevalent than ever now and a number of family members have had it recently including my severely asthmatic niece (doubly vaccinated) who went on to develop a covid rash .

Can I say please do not rush to get back to normal, lots of rest needed covid often has a sting in the tail .

CD I know you are a advocate of eating healthily and I have read some research on a healthy diet helping to fight off covid (as it does with many things) so maybe your diet has helped you.

Get well soon....

Desanthony profile image

So sorry that you have caught Covid. It is good to know that the vaccine worked well. HOpe you recover well.

We are still being as careful as we possibly can despite others insisting we go to gatherings - we choose where and when we go so would try not to go out to gatherings twice in one week - have actually managed to go to the dentist this week so now being careful until next week in case we have managed to pick up something but have booked to go out for dinner on my birthday. We are still insisting that we don't meet up with our friends when we go cat sitting as they have a little boy who has recently tested positive for Covid when he moved to a new (posh, private school - who'd have thought he missed it in his normal school - amazingly but moves to a posh school and gets it LOL) Still no news of our booster jabs so we know as it is over 6 months since my second jab and close to 6 months for my wife whatever protection we have may be waning so trying to not take too many chances. Still wearing masks - it is still manadatory to wear masks in shops here in Wales anyway and avoiding any of the areas close to us that have a high rate of Covid - shame as it means we can't start Christmas shopping in the nearest city so it may well be done via on line shopping or sending money but we can manage one more time.

All the best with your recovery.

Goosebumps profile image

Glad you are coming out of it now, I know where you have been. I’m just about recovering from COVID as well. Took 14 days to feel anything like normal and I’m still quite weak. The coughing and loss of appetite was frightening. The jabs just reduce symptoms for lots of us, I think most people will contract it at some point. I traced all of the people I met in the week before I tested positive and they all tested negative, so it looks like simply food and pressie shopping did it for me. That’s shopping with a mask on here in Wales.I’m not complaining, if I hadn’t had the jabs I might not even be here.

Padayn01 profile image

Horrible COVID I hate where it effects the heart any illness, i hope you get better soon even with the vaccine I hear people with AF getting palpations.

Crystalbowl profile image

Very sorry to hear, CDreamer, that both you and your husband contracted Covid despite being very careful but pleased to know that you did not require hospitalisation and that the vaccine may have given you some kind of immunity. As I was writing this I got a text to get my booster later this month. Hope you are both soon feeling better. Wishing you both a speedy and full recovery.

cbsrbpm profile image

Sorry to to hear your both suffering from this awful virus and hope you get well really soon. It does seem to be very much a danger and some friends and family have recently caught it which shows how much of a danger it still is as they had all been double jabbed. Therefore we all need to be very vigilant.🤗🤗

Nan1 profile image

Wishing you both well on your road to recovery

Frances123 profile image

Sorry to hear this CD and glad to see you back. This is a horrible virus and just proves you can catch it despite being so careful. I hope you and OH will soon be feeling much better and more like your normal selves. xxx

Redders profile image

So sorry to hear this CD, what bad luck after being so careful. Glad to hear you’re beginning to feel better.

irene75359 profile image

I wondered where you were recently and am so sorry to hear that both you and your husband have had Covid, but what a relief that you are coming through it despite your other health problems; it looks as though there is a lot to be said about the measures you take by eating so carefully and healthily. Hoping your heart calms down and wishing you both a speedy recovery. xx

Ducky2003 profile image

Bizarrely, I know more folk with/had Covid in the past month than last year at the peak of things. Whether that's due to people being more relaxed, I don't know. I think my mask wearing days will continue for sometime yet. Hope you feel better soon.

Outtheresinger profile image

Thank you for posting your story it is such a timely reminder to all of us at a time the Government seems to be encouraging only optional Covid precautions. Returning some items to M&S yesterday hardly anyone was wearing a mask and staff were walking around the store completely unprotected. Whilst the vaccines seem to lessen the seriousness of Covid those of us with AF would still be better not to catch it in the first place! Get well soon!

dedeottie profile image

I am so glad you are both recovering. I had been worrying about you as I knew you had no antibodies but it is very good to hear that you must still have had some protection from the vaccine and hopefully that will have been increased from actually having had the virus.I will pass this on to my friend who has a heart transplant and knows she only has reduced immunity.

Many thanks and good luck with your recovery. X

Auriculaire profile image

When I opened my inbox today to click on Health unlocked I thought "CDreamer has not been around for ages. I hope she isn't ill" So sorry to hear that you have been ill with covid and hope you and your husband are on the road to recovery. Hope the unwelcome virus has at least provided you with some working antibodies.

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